Too many raw trimmed modern
Posts: 273 ✭✭✭
Lately, a lot of my raw modern purchases from eBay are coming to me trimmed. This is beginning to tick me off. Everything is getting trimmed nowadays 😭, from vintage and stuff that just came out. While I'm grateful to the dummies busting open boxes and selling singles (rookies), which I wait for cos it's too expensive to buy new stuff to get a rookie nobody.
I don't buy graded stuff. I no longer trust anyone. I sub everything myself. So now, where the heck do I go for raw stuff?
Returning this stuff is also a pain. They play dumb and pick their nose. I have to take pictures placing a bright white card behind the butchered one on a black background showing their lousy work.
I just needed to vent. Time for a drink.
It all makes me sick at my stomach. Sorry bro.
Post some pictures if possible and help us try to identify trimmed cards better. I am one that certainly could use the help!
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
I'll have whatever you're having Bryan.
I don't sell much raw new stuff that I pull from boxes. Usually submit. But I don't trim my stuff. Let me know what you need cause I have boxes of stuff I have no idea what to do with, lol.
So this is what came today. I have a grid board that I use, and all cards that I buy gets placed on this for proper identification of 3 1/2 X 2 1/2. If it's short, I'll inspect it for factory min. size. and how THAT product spec is cut. If it's short and the edges are not the way that product is cut....then yeah, it's trimmed. I don't want to get into that right now....maybe later when I'm not buzzed.
Whatever is white indicates what's short.
Second pic may look weird cos of the angle. It's 1/32 short with a slant on top/bottom. Top edge is trimmed and slanted. Not even straight. Left right is 1/16th
I tried to explain the easiest way to spot a trimmed edge especially modern to a board member several years ago. Even if a card is perfectly trimmed and measures perfectly, you must first understand that product. For instance, let's take a look at 2018 SP Authentic Hockey. The sheets are cut from the back side. I can tell immediately just by looking at the card. When the blades come down, all four edges will exhibit a little bit of a fold to the opposite side. So when you're looking at the front of the card, you will see a miniscule....I mean tiny fold going up. This is caused from the pressure of blades coming down. The back of the card's edges will be smooth and rounded. Now, if someone decides to trim one of the edges, and most stupid trimmers will automatically cut from the front, that fold is now gone. They basically went against the grain. If they went from the back to front; they may replicate it but not likely cos a regular paper cutter can't produce thousands of pounds of pressure. What you will end up is a completely flat surface both front and back and a smooth edge. So if you see 3 edges with folds and one without; it's likely trimmed but will pass because it still measures up.
This is why all BGS 10 black labels and regulars are a joke. Great marketing scheme though.
It is frustrating, but I still go graded because I feel less likely to be trimmed. Purchasing most vintage with a little wear because it is authentic and not altered in any way.
I appreciate the time you took to write that up for us Bryan. Your eye and grading ability are some of the best I've seen in this hobby. Thanks for the detailed insight, and I look forward to anything more you have to say on the subject.
Great info. Since I don't buy newer stuff unless it is unopened, I would have no idea what to look for. Thanks for the lesson!
Great information Bryan. I did not know about this stuff.
Great stuff, Bryan. Sorry to hear about the trimming crap. Pass me a beer.
I'm fine today. I'm over it.
Same reason I don't buy ungraded vintage at card shows or online, too much trimmed stuff, it's sad because I prefer ungraded cards but it is what it is.
so many raw modern fakes also, it’s easy to spot in hand but they can make them look legit in a ebay listing