Racing Card Experts come in- Help needed on ID
OK I need my Racing card experts to assist here. While I dabble in racing by no means am I anything more than a beginner.
I purchased what I think I remember as a DVD and inside it was this John Ferguson XBOX Cup card. It was wrapped in plastic at the time with contest rules or something wrapping one side and just the front showing. This card was inside when opened. Dummy me forgot to take the pic first in the plastic ( I may have its probably on my old computer I can't access yet)
I got the dreaded " No Spec Info, No Grad No Holder "
Looking to see if the racing experts can weigh in and provide more background on distribution if you recognize
I'd love to get it slabbed been holding on to it nearly 15 years now and I believe its one of Fergusons earliest issues
Anyone have a racing card expert I can consult ?? So far having trouble even getting the checklist needed to get it inputted. KingNascar or any other racing guys even around lately ?? This is just the start of entire group of questions on stuff I need to protect. Sadly much of its rare issues 😞
I guess you could try sending KingNascar a PM about it. Try typing "KingNascar" in the forum search box, and then find his profile picture thingy and click on it and send him a PM about it. I tried finding some info on this card, and came up empty. It's a tough one.