FSH: (3-piece set) 2019 "Lord Marcovan" elongated coins (on Mercury dimes & Wheat cents)

Asking $10 per set of three. Shipping to US addresses is included in the price.
Payment via PayPal F&F preferred (to the email address seen on the coins), but cash/check/money order (or Philly Cheesesteak sammiches with extra mushrooms & onions) is acceptable as well.
You can just PayPal $10 per set to the email address seen on the coins (rwshinnick@gmail.com). Be sure to include your forum name and shipping address and tell me you're from Collectors Universe, since I'm selling these on CoinTalk as well. Shipping is included. Thanks.
(If you'd rather send cash/check/money order, just shoot me a PM.)
Each set consists of (3) of my 2019 custom elongated coins:
(1) on 1920s-1940s silver Mercury dime (one of 100 pieces produced). These were all rolled with the obverse of the host coin showing on the back. Usually the details are fairly visible, and in most (though maybe not all) cases, the host coin date is visible. Usually this will mean the 1940s, though there were some 1920s and 1930s coins in the source lot as well-known even a few stray 'teens. Silver dimes, let alone Mercury dimes, are very seldom seen as host coins for elongates, so hopefully these will prove popular.
(1) on 1950s Wheat cent, unholed (one of 200 pieces produced). Most though not all coins have the wheat ears of the host coin visible on the back, but a few have the host coin obverse showing, and therefore a readable date in some cases.
(1) on 1950s Wheat cent, holed (one of 200 pieces produced). As above, but holed for keychain or jewelry use.
Coins for these 3-piece sets will be randomly selected and pre-sealed in the envelopes shown, so at present I am not offering to pick certain host coin dates.
Additionally, anyone who purchases any $10+ item from my regular sale items will get one of the Wheat cent elongates free for the asking (just remind me), and may choose either the holed or unholed version.
The dies for these elongated coins were made for me and rolled out by Cindy Calhoun, the president of TEC (The Elongated Collectors), at elongatedpenny.net.
The design is based on the Scottish clan badge for the Clan Robertson (my maternal family line, from which my first name is derived).
@elkevvo- shipped 9/21/19
@stork - shipped 9/21/19 (same notice posted on CT)
@jabba - 3 sets - shipped 9/24/19
@robkool - shipped 9/24/19
@gluggo - shipped 9/24/19
@JBK - shipped 9/24/19
@SiriusBlack - shipped 9/25/19
Thanks, y'all!
Pretty neat !!!
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
PayPal sent Rob...
Thanks !!!
How does one order this set?
Just PayPal $10 per set to the email address seen on the coins (rwshinnick@gmail.com). Be sure to include your forum name and tell me you're from Collectors Universe, since I'm selling these on CoinTalk as well. Shipping is included. Thanks.
(If you'd rather send cash/check/money order, just shoot me a PM.)
(* Added this info to the OP, for clarification.)
On second thought, in your case, you don't have to do anything, because a set is in this morning's mail.
Got your address off that "Quarter Notes" flyer that came with the mysterious counterstamped quarter that unexpectedly showed up in my mailbox last week.
You'll only be getting 12 cents' face value from me, though, whereas I got 25 cents from you.
Thx! You are too kind and much appreciated. I am still recovering from my vacation. Nothing so far but I am still sifting through the mail.
I'll still order a set either way to help support the cause.
Bam! Sorry, I ate the Cheesesteak I bought for you...
Very Cool!!
Was it any good? Hope you had plenty of onions on it, to the dismay of all nearby.
Yes -- actually to the dismay of my wife! Lot's of pepper jack too!