Of very little importance, but still makes me go "Hmmmm?!"

Ok, I know most on here don't do a whole lot with the Topps flagship brand base cards, but I came across a little oddity, and wondered if anyone knows of an explanation as to why this occurred.
Zack Greinke makes an appearance in the Series 1 base set as card #222. He then also makes an appearance in the Series 2 set as card #661. 2 different photos, both with the Diamondbacks, with the same stat lines on the back. Besides one card being oriented vertically, and the other horizontally, the only other difference I could spot was on the back under "Acq: Free Agent". Series 1 has #TOPPSBASEBALL, while Series 2 has an @ symbol after perhaps an Instagram(???) icon.
No other player, best that I could determine, received the honor of having 2 cards show up in the 2019 Topps base set.
Not sure what's going on here, but just thought I'd point it out. Feel free to comment...or not.
Both are the base cards and have a short print available as well. So there are four, if you count SPs as part of the base.
222 Variation
661 Variationhttps://cconnect.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2019-Topps-Series-2-Baseball-Variations-SP-661-Zack-Greinke.jpg
Why Greinke, though? And why ONLY Greinke? It just seems odd, more so now that it appears to be a conscious decision with the SPs also, and not just an oversight.
They also do it with Ohtani
You're right. I just missed that. But I can at least understand that one a bit, as one photo is of Ohtani doing his hitting thing, and the other photo shows him doing his pitching thing. Makes sense to make 2 cards of a 2 way player.
As a Royals fan, I'm very familiar with Greinke's hitting ability, but he's no Ohtani. And you could convince me either way that he's a future Hall of Famer or not, but it just seems strange to have issued a card of him in each series, and not Trout, Kershaw, Altuve, Scherzer, and any number of other superstars and accomplished players. Hmmm...