Big price jump on rare Jordan Auto

See if this makes sense to any of you. On 5/9/18 a Michael Jordan '96 SPx Auto #8 PSA 10 sold for $3,352. It's been selling in this ball park for years now & I've been saying for years that this card is incredibly undervalued for how cool it is & what it meant for the hobby - the first pack-pulled via redemption auto set. Insanely cool & changed everything. Now in February of this year a PSA 9 sold for over 18k.
That's a very big jump in just 9 months. There's also the obvious PSA 9 selling for way more than PSA 10 thing also. I know this can be a fickle business but that doesn't make sense to me considering its been selling for $2,500-3,000 since I can remember. These cards don't surface that often. I'm surprised these were sold so close together. Did people just catch on? It's possible. Was it some collector that just had to have it no matter the cost? I don't know.
By the way I'm very angry I missed that PSA 10. If I'd known about it I definitely would've sniped that auction. I already own one but that's way too good to pass up.
Here you can view the cards. You need to scroll through a bit first. Let me know what you think. I don't know who the seller was. Does anyone know?
I'm all about that Jordan stuff. Cards, stickers, posters & whatever else is cool. The rarer the better. And always in a PSA 10 if I can help it.
Any other big Jordan nuts out there let me know.