Annual Registry Awards!

I see that next year, the deadline for updating sets is scheduled to be .....Friday, May 29, 2020 at 2pm Pacific Time:
This year the deadline was the end of June, so it will be an 11-month Registry Year. Good thing is we will have Memorial Day weekend for the final tweaking of the sets!
I noticed it last night.
They still have not noted this years winners. (none of the top sites have their 2019 flags showing).
I noticed that too! Could this be the year of the Stealth Awards?? Or, since Brett said there was something like 300 awards to be shipped, maybe they are swamped just with shipping???
Yes only about a dozen or so award winners were actually at the award luncheon to receive it in person, so they basically have to ship three hundred awards out and catalog all of the show orders that were received and there were dozens of large crates full of orders being packed and load at the end of the show.
I would "think" the updates to the registry pages would be pretty straight forward (they have been doing them for years), but maybe they changed things up this year.
There are lots of new sets, world sets, sub-sets, varieties, and PCGS seriously does a lot for its members like providing us all with a free forum like this. They even encourage adding a set if you think it is worthy, and consists of over 5 coins or medals. I consider this top quality service and commend PCGS for this.
It would take me a very long time to try to even guess how to fairly compare so many amazing sets for top awards, when some are worth tens of millions, and others truly top and deserving sets valued in the tens of thousands.
I expect the award list will be provided soon and coin sets updated as usual.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I actually proposed a new registry set on August 4th, and it was approved this morning - just a bit over two weeks since the request! The Registry team itself really hustles!! With the awards, there are other people that are brought in to judge the sets, and that just has to extend the process. I mean, they do a specific write-up for each of the gold and platinum award winners!
I was wondering the same thing. Where are the 2019 winners?
The 2019 Winners were just posted:
2019 Awards