Israel 5 Agorot KM# 25 1964
Posts: 267 ✭✭✭
Looking through 40 lbs of world came across 3 of these in near unc-60 condition...Can they be fakes...There were 6 other dates among them and 8 10 arogot and 5 25 arogotNGC lists them at $90 UNC-60
A world without coins "Chaos"
Why do you think they could be fakes ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
The date is 1967.. looks original. These are of low value so doubt any counterfeiting is taking place.
Coin dealers usually buy bulk, mixed foreign from walk-in sellers by weight. They then quickly look through the lots for anything that might be silver and just dump the rest into lots they sell by weight. Much of this material comes from sellers who inherited it. It may have been sitting around for decades.
Those coins are probably genuine and may have been brought back to the US by a tourist of fifty years ago.
Why do you say it is 1967 everywhere I looked the coin matched for 1964. Prove me wrong
A world without coins "Chaos"
Found out the NGC picture and several ebay coins are wrong the stem of the t in my image and the NGC image is centered. Which means its a 7 . The Hebrew four has a t as well but the stem is moved to the right. It would be helpful in the future if that is pointed out especially to someone who does not know Hebrew, but thanks for pointing it out . It was an interesting investigation.
A world without coins "Chaos"