did I miss an eBay bucks promotions this month?
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they usually hit mid month.
Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
no you didn't miss anything. the last one was a 13 percent one on 6/12-6/13. if there isn't one on the 29th or 30th, there won't be one in July
Seems rare to have a bucks promotion prior to previous quarters ebay bucks certificates expiring. It has occasionally happened as I believe it did last quarter but it's not typically the norm.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Yep... month to redeem ebay bucks certificate usually doesn't have any other promotion. Maybe in another week or so...
Haven’t seen any either.
A few XX% off summer coupons is about all that’s been floating around.
Actually we usually get bonus bucks toward the end of the month after issuance. April 22, 2019 I had 8% - that was ~10 days before Q1 certificates would expire
Drop the bucks and drop the fees.
I'll Need to get something before the 8/2
I've been outbid on everything all month and I've got 5% cash back rewards on a CC when I pay thru PayPal to leverage my bids....
Tough crowd this month.
8% ebucks no minimum until 7/31.