*SET BREAK* I'm breaking up a set of 1970 Topps Hockey Sticker Stamps.

I've already sold the following on my own... Berenson, Flett, Giacomin, D. Grant, Hickey, LeCroix, Orr, J. P. Parise, Ratelle, and Van Impe. I still have the rest. If you see ksks, send him my way! (Laugh) He was looking for just three more in the Set Registry, and I have two of them.
This post has to do with a set break of 1971 Topps Football Card Game Inserts. The ones that I have just sold are.... 8-9-13-23-27-28-31-32-33-35-38-39-40-43-45. Filling a set of these? I have the rest of them at this point. Drop me a line, and thank you for your time!