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Full Set of BEP Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Engraved Prints - Mission, Eagle , Giant Leap - SOLD

pointfivezeropointfivezero Posts: 1,854 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 20, 2019 4:14PM in Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

Inspired by all things Apollo 11 50th Anniversary but missed the US Mint Enrollment program for the series of Engraved Prints? Here is your chance to own the three print set at a reasonable price. I have a small supply of the first two prints and I am confirmed for an express shipment of the final print this week. I am offering a price of $109 shipped (PPG) for a complete set of three prints.

At this price, there is very little profit in this transaction. I had to purchase the Mission prints on the open market and my average cost was over $50 each. I’m just hoping to share my enthusiasm for the Apollo program with my fellow collectors. In fact, I have reservations for an overnight sleepover on the USS Hornet Friday night and I plan to bring these prints on board to celebrate the event. Yes, the same USS Hornet which retrieved the Apollo 11 capsule.

Please PM if interested. I have over 500 perfect transactions on ebay (same name). Thanks

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