Are these real 1974 aluminum cents?
Posts: 264 ✭✭✭
in Q & A Forum
Maybe I am mistaken but these look like generic copper cents and not the elusive aluminum cents.
Unless albuminum cents turn brown over time...
Am I mistaken??
Not a chance those are aluminum.
Kind regards,
Why would copper colored Lincoln cents
be possibly struck on Aluminum planchets?
You're not mistaken - you're right.
From the "How do I make my pocket change sound as good as possible" playbook.
Throw in the word "aluminum", and throw a huge price tag on it! eBay. Harumph….
Perhaps gold or even diamond 1974 cents will be next...
Smitten with DBLCs.
If you want a good laugh check the sellers other items, one has shipping of $1017.62
He even has a Canadian and mixed dates other then 74 posted. I'd like to meet the lucky winner of these brown aluminum mixed date Canadian pennies. Maybe it's a new variety and you can get attribution while your at it.