With Kawhi Leonard going to the clippers does it make sense to load up on his Raptor cards?

I was hoping to get forum members opinions here
I want to pickup some of his raptor cards for the investment. Do y'all think its a wise investment?
I was looking at this lot below and another as his rookie card.
Those are the longest Ebay www links.....ever
I don't collect for investment...but I would imagine there is not as much "potential" for future increases in too many of the Raptors cards. His rookie stuff will probably have the most demand. You probably want to wait awhile though...I would think prices are high right now considering his free agency was front and center of attention.
Kawhi, like Lebron and Harden, has prospered in the "lower your shoulder and shove your defender" era of basketball. None of these guys could create a shot like MJ. If your allowed to play any form of defense on these guys, they would be mediocre, but it's a foul once you touch them. Sorry, but not buying into his skill set just yet.
Collecting Unopened from '72-'83; mostly BBCE certified boxes/cases/racks.
Prefer to buy in bulk.
Based on the auctions listed I’d say terrible investment ideas, but I don’t like the premise of buying his Toronto cards either. He will always be more known as a spur if you really like Kwai I’d say up $2k and buy his best example rookie card you can find.
Join the Rookie stars on top PSA registry today:
1980-1989 Cello Packs - Rookies
Great player, but he seems to have the reputation as being difficult to work with. He's been on three teams in three years and his uncle is known to be the one pulling the strings..
Raptors stuff won’t be hot now as people clamor for rookies and wait for Clippers stuff. He’s hot now so it seems buying now doesn’t make sense.
Short term. Yes.
Long term. No.
Generally small market teams that have these one-off championships are forgotten quickly and once interest lessens you see a drop in price. This one reminds me of the 2004 Pistons or the 2011 Mavs.
To answer the question in your title. No it does not make sense to load up on Kawhi Raptors cards. I am not sure if the links you provided are ending up going to the correct listings, but those specific listings are terrible investments. Even if he went on to become the greatest player who ever played the cards pictured in those specific eBay listings are some of the worst possible cards to buy for him. The first listing showed a mish mash of base cards that could probably be had for $0.18 per card on SportLots. The second listing was a relatively low tier RC in a fly by night third party grader's case. Stay far away from those "investments". If you are looking for something to invest in, I would recommend buying a quality RC or if you are looking specifically for a Raptor card, I would go for something rare or unique. If you want to invest in a RC and have big money then go after his National Treasures RPA (if he has one) or his Gold or Silver Prizm RC (he definitely has these). Now these cards are super high dollar now, but if you think Kawhi is your ticket, those are the blue chip investments. If you can't swing those cards (I can't, lol), then go and buy his Prizm RC. This will be his registry card for PSA when he makes the HOF. The base Prizm RC is the gold standard of modern RC's (for anyone whose RC came 2012 or later). If you are looking for a Raptor card then go with something like his Revolution Galactic Parallel or Prizm Gold parallel. These will cost in the hundreds of dollars if you can find them. If that is steep, then pick up an Optic Gold /10 or Optic Black Velocity /39. Good luck.
Even some of his RCs have shot up and reflect that he will end up being one of the GOATs, but he has some ways to go, imo, and he has leg/health concerns which he has been known to keep very private.
I think his rookie cards will see the most upward movement if he continues to do well in the NBA, not the cards from playing on the Raptors.