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1857 Liberty Seated .25 - Worth Grading?

Thanks in advance

Virginia Beach, VA
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  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I wouldn't.

  • va_resellersva_resellers Posts: 101 ✭✭

    To me it's about an xf 40, but would love others opinions...

    Virginia Beach, VA
    Collector, Buyer, Seller, Licensed Dealer
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  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Before we consider "worth grading," what are your goals? What is the reason you would consider having a coin graded in the first place? if it is to protect the coin and possibly ave a way for someone to appeoximate its value when you are gone then...

    BUT, paying money to get this graded is not going to add any value to it and I'd rather spend the $30 on more coins.

    Best is for you to learn to grade using the PGCS photo guide among other things and ONLY purchase coins already graded for now.

    Post this coin as a guess the grade and you'll get a good idea of its grade and value FOR FREEE while you are learning.

  • CRH4LIFECRH4LIFE Posts: 849 ✭✭✭✭

    Looks cleaned to me

  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's probably a good commercial grade but the coin has some problems. I see a scratch and a stain.

  • va_resellersva_resellers Posts: 101 ✭✭

    Insider: I use photograde on an almost daily basis sir. It never hurts to hear others opinions, esp. on borderline coins where one grade difference can result in a hundred+ dollars.

    Virginia Beach, VA
    Collector, Buyer, Seller, Licensed Dealer
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  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Great, the original question was is it worth grading...was I able to help with the choices?

  • sellitstoresellitstore Posts: 3,002 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I agree that it's probably not worth grading if you are just looking to add value. Many would grade this as an XF or so and I don't see it getting into an AU slab.

    I also agree that XF40 is a fair grade as it's a bit better in terms of wear but has the noted minor issues.

    Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
  • va_resellersva_resellers Posts: 101 ✭✭
    edited July 8, 2019 4:48PM

    @sellitstore said:
    I agree that it's probably not worth grading if you are just looking to add value. Many would grade this as an XF or so and I don't see it getting into an AU slab.

    I also agree that XF40 is a fair grade as it's a bit better in terms of wear but has the noted minor issues.

    It's actually a nice coin, but I agree just below the line for being profitable when grading costs are factored in. Thanks for the reply 👍

    Virginia Beach, VA
    Collector, Buyer, Seller, Licensed Dealer
    U.S. Silver & Gold coins, Foreign Coins, Bullion, Mint/Proof Sets, Currency, Antiques, Collectibles

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