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Which one should I get??

I have narrowed it down to 2 (cheaper) boxes. Once is really cheap, the other is halfway cheap, or whatever lol.

The 2 boxes are:

UD Flight Team - could get it for around $70 DLVD.


UD Playmakers - could get this for around $38 DLVD.

I don't know whether to spend my money on the Playmakers right now, or to save up for the Flight Team. I like the Playmakers because it is cheap, and it has a bobble. So if you could please help me make my decision...it would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Thanks, Austin.
Austin Waltz - ACK ACK ©
I'm back - you better believe it


  • i like the playmakers
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  • awaltzawaltz Posts: 726
    Don't go saying both eitherimage

    *Cough* Derrick *Cough*

    *Cough* James The 3rd *Cough*

    Austin Waltz - ACK ACK ©
    I'm back - you better believe it

    I know many will disagree, but the Common bobble is $20. Plus there is a chance for the auto.

    Warning though, you may not get a gu or multiple RC's. On the other hand you may get 3 gu and multiple rc's.

    On Average 1 gu and 2 rc's per box.

    Also I want you to get the Haywood rc I need. image

    So go for the Playmakers.

    My boxes of Flight Team sucked also.
  • Everyone is going to say playmakers but i think there crap. So UD FLight team to lol If your going off buying for the hell of it i whould go playmakers or save a little more money and get SPx
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • Don't forget Austin, I busted over 3 cases of the product, so I strongly support the purchase.
  • ill have to say playmakers cuz i bought a box and i got some good things in it
    plus its cheap you pretty much get what you pay for the cards are worth way more than youspend on the box so its a good deal
  • awaltzawaltz Posts: 726
    Austin Waltz - ACK ACK ©
    I'm back - you better believe it
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    Playmakers if you aren't buying it online. Would suggest buying this from a good dealer that you trust. I have heard it is pretty easy to find out which bobbles are in which box. so if you don;t buy a case then you don't know what you are getting.
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • hey i got a kobe bobble head if you interested 8kobe
  • I wish I knew how to find the good bobbles. lol
  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭
    it's not necessarily that they can tell who is in each box but they can tell which box has the autographed bobblehead in it....don't buy these from places like www.dacardworld.com because I've heard they do this sort of thing...
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭

    << <i>Don't go saying both eitherimage

    *Cough* Derrick *Cough*

    *Cough* James The 3rd *Cough*

    image >>

    Um...how about both? image
  • Out of my 3 cases, the auto'd bobbles were in different areas and my one case had 2 autos.
  • awaltzawaltz Posts: 726
    Derrick - image
    Austin Waltz - ACK ACK ©
    I'm back - you better believe it
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