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Problem with Shop function in Set Registry

The shop for coins in the Set Registry is having a problem when trying to go to collectors.com. Keeps asking for a sign in.


  • twhitmeyertwhitmeyer Posts: 123 admin

    @sibleycpa are you still having this problem? I cannot replicate so maybe it was a temporary issue that resolved on it's own or was fixed, but I want to be sure you are able to click the 'shop' links now without this sign in issue.

    T. Whitmeyer
    Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe

  • ReadyFireAimReadyFireAim Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 1, 2019 1:50PM

    Same problem here.
    Page just sticks

    When you choose a filter, you get the wheel-of-death.
    Only way out is to refresh page.

  • twhitmeyertwhitmeyer Posts: 123 admin

    @ReadyFireAim which website or page are you referring to - within collectors.com or within the PCGS Set Registry website?

    T. Whitmeyer
    Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe

  • ReadyFireAimReadyFireAim Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 1, 2019 1:55PM

    Set registry > Find coins > Select Coin > Application Error > Wheel of death

  • twhitmeyertwhitmeyer Posts: 123 admin

    @ReadyFireAim Thanks for trying to walk me down the path. I am on Set Registry (signed in), I click on Sets, then click on a set to bring up the edit page for my set. I scroll down to the list of coins, and click on a 'Shop' link and I arrive on Collectors.com with a couple items that match that coin for my set. Unlike the OP, I wasn't asked to sign in again, so the original issue seems resolved. Unfortunately, I am not sure I understand your error ('Find coins'?) but 'wheel of death' sounds like the loader animation within PCGS Set Registry. If you want to contact me though email or PM to explain in detail, let me know! Otherwise, I'll need specific steps so I can follow along exactly. Thank you!

    T. Whitmeyer
    Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe

  • ReadyFireAimReadyFireAim Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 1, 2019 2:36PM

    @twhitmeyer said:
    Unfortunately, I am not sure I understand your error ('Find coins'?) but 'wheel of death' sounds like the loader animation >within PCGS Set Registry.

    I've been getting the "timed out" error a lot and it goes to the page that says "Application Error"
    I refresh and generally that fixes it.
    It's only on my PC and my MAC seems to work fine but I can tell it is "huffing and puffing" sometimes like there is a long running script.

    No big deal...It just seems to be running slowly

  • I'm still having the same problem. Doesn't happen every time, but does happen most times.
    Set Registry > My Sets > Go to my set > Under items in set > Shop > Goes to sign into your acct or just hangs up.
    Same thing happens in Safari, Microsoft Edge and the Apple app

  • twhitmeyertwhitmeyer Posts: 123 admin

    @sibleycpa Seems to be random, but I am escalating. Thank you for communicating the problem, sorry it's happening to you! If it's a bug, I will update when a fix is pushed out.

    T. Whitmeyer
    Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just tried again, after a long time looking for my coins to shop for it takes me to a Collector.com login screen and then when I log in I get generic screen. Nothing to do with my specific set requirements.

    Also, something REALLY slowed down PCGS site Registry set loading lately. You may need to get some new computer server faster memory or something, as it takes 10-15 seconds for my sets to load to even see if anything has changed or something new available.


  • davewesendavewesen Posts: 6,434 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am getting sent to a page that says ... application error


    If you have something to do with the forum software, can you get rid of the 'saved draft' function? or have it every 10 minutes instead of every minute? The letters I am typing while a draft is being saved disappear and do not show up in my message.

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,485 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I just saw this thread, after trying the registry views a few times tonight. I can't say how long it has been going on, only that I hit it around 8pm PST and just now as well.

    Attempt 1:
    Tablet PC running Windows 10 with Microsoft Edge.
    PCGS.COM -> Registry -> My Sets -> Picked a set -> Clicked all my coin choices -> Clicked on the "Shop For Coins in This Set" -> Application error as davewesen mentioned above.

    Gave up after multiple attempts with multiple sets of mine. All the same on giving the application error. Looked like a broken page

    Attempt 2: 5 minutes ago. Windows 7 PC running latest updates and IE 11 (latest updates) 11.0.9600.19377
    PCGS.COM->Dashboard->Sets->picked a same sets as before, clicked on boxes to view potential coins to shop for an upgrade with-> Sign in page (even though I was already signed in....I opened another browser window and verified I was still signed in-> signed in anyway. Taken to collectors.com (for everything...nothing specific to my coin set upgrades....just the main splash page for collectors.com).

    I do note that this is basically the same page, but WITH graphics, that I was redirected to earlier with the application error (that error gave a page with text only and not the graphics).

    So, not sure what is going on, but happy to try to help from a testing/reporting standpoint.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • ReadyFireAimReadyFireAim Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Now I can't get in at all.
    It keeps taking me to the log in or application error page.

  • I've been experiencing the same issue for several days now. Application error page

  • davewesendavewesen Posts: 6,434 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I suspect the problem I have may be with a timeout - page has too much information and takes to long to load with my internet.

  • ReadyFireAimReadyFireAim Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 4, 2019 8:44PM

    Something in that feature is needing a lot more computing power than it did last week because it's melting my new MAC.

    I can come in to CU from the EXPLORE tab (not MY SETS) but it's still slow.
    So long as I don't use any filters like select grade or anything else.

  • twhitmeyertwhitmeyer Posts: 123 admin
    edited July 8, 2019 12:15PM

    Thank you to everyone that is helping to test and providing feedback. I am forwarding all the information - our developers have duplicated the problem and are working on a fix.

    T. Whitmeyer
    Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe

  • twhitmeyertwhitmeyer Posts: 123 admin
    edited July 9, 2019 1:20PM

    @sibleycpa @ReadyFireAim @JJJackson @davewesen @Goldminers @Bochiman Good afternoon, all! When you have the time, can you see if you are still having problems? We'd like to think we found and fixed the issue, but we want to confirm you are no longer having a problem with the 'shop' feature from PCGS Set Registry to Collectors.com. Thank you for your time!

    T. Whitmeyer
    Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe

  • davewesendavewesen Posts: 6,434 ✭✭✭✭✭

    it works for me today +++++ :)

  • ReadyFireAimReadyFireAim Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Everything back to normal.
    Thank you very much!

  • It's back working.

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,485 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I concur with the above....tested it out and it is back to functioning as expected.

    Thank you

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

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