PCGS Set Registry Lunch at the ANA Worlds Fair of Money

Is there a sign up? Deadline?
==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades
Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye
They usually send out an email for the lunch. I suspect the deadline will be the end of July at least, since the lunch should be August 16.
Hi @claychaser
All Collectors Club members, Set Registry members and PCGS Authorized Dealers will receive an official email invitation shortly.
Once you receive yours, please click on the RSVP link within the email to secure your ticket(s). If you will have a guest join you, please select a "Guest Ticket" in addition to your "General Seating" ticket during your checkout. If you will not be bringing a guest, please select one "General Seating" ticket. If you do not select a "Guest Ticket" during checkout, you will not be able to add someone later. You will receive an email confirmation along with a ticket to print or display on your mobile device at the luncheon.
Should you have any additional questions, feel free to email SetRegistry@Collectors.com
PCGS Set Registry Manager
Received the email today.
I got mine.
Hello @washingtonrainbows,
The email invitation went out to all PCGS Set Registry Members and PCGS Collectors Club members the second week of July, a second email went out to PCGS authorized Dealers shortly after. Based on the email address tied to your forum account, I was not able to locate a Set Registry, Collectors Club or Authorized Dealer account in our system.
If you are a member of any of these three groups, please email SetRegistry@Collectors.com from your email address on-file requesting the RSVP email, or PM me with your account information and I will look further into it for you.
PCGS Set Registry Manager