Columbian Exposition Store Card by Murdock - Eglit 442

Note: updated title from a question on whether this is a SCD to storecard token classification per thread below.
I picked up this potential So-Called Dollar candidate a while back. It has what looks to be the same, or similar, obverse as HK-219.
Anyone seen another one?
Here's HK-219 from
Photos courtesy of @tmot99.
Just checked John Raymond's unlisted SCD page and he doesn't have one listed:
A nice find in nice condition. I've never seen one before.
That looks like a rare one that would be eligible for listing (unless considered to be an advertising piece). I assume the authors weren't aware of it.
I note that the obverses shown are very similar, but there are some slight positioning differences. And only one of the pieces has a period after "EXPOSITION". So they were not struck from the same die.
it looks to me like a contemporary issue.
The original listing parameters included "8. No calendar or storecards; no trade tokens or emergency money." -- the same parameters were also followed in the 2nd Edition as mentioned in the Introduction. It is an interesting (and known) piece as it is directly related to the boom in aluminum products (including medallic use) in the U.S. introduced at the Columbian Exposition but it is still simply one of the many storecards that incorporate one of the WCE dies for advertising purposes. It is listed in Eglit as #442 and a listed companion piece indicates the company location as Lemont, Illinois. It's not a SCD but is still a great Columbian Expo piece.
Ah, good to know. I've haven't taken note of exposition storecards before so this was new to me. Sightly disappointed it's not a So-Called Dollar but love the expo connection and it's nice to know it's cataloged in Eglit. I may need one of those guides now.
Looking into the background of this piece has been fascinating. Both pieces were struck by James Murdock Jr.
thank you, tokenpro, it never occurred to me to look in "Eglit" for this medal. your explanation may be why many of the medals presumed to be Unlisted SC$ were excluded.