1889CC & 1893CC MORGANS

Looking to get the market value for these coins?
1889cc pcgs details au filed rims #82940216
1893cc pcgs genuine unc details #29191855
Looking to get the market value for these coins?
1889cc pcgs details au filed rims #82940216
1893cc pcgs genuine unc details #29191855
Welcome aboard.. Great first post!
If you’re looking to sell the coins consign them with Great Collections.
Lol, don’t ever call this guy or buy or sell anything to or from him, he is a known deal breaker con artist here on these forums and this is at least his 3rd new name, aka tee135, tonedase and chiniu67, stay far away and ignore, don’t get sucked in with golf stories and meals he’s going to buy you when you are in town and other tall tales...