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My UD Playmakers Box Break

Tyson Chandler Bobble Head

Player's Club Warm Up Allen Houston (82/350)

Jeryl Sasser #101 (1008/1999)
Gerald Wallace #104 (1234/1999)

Complete 1-100 set

Not to bad...what does the Chandler book???
My New Site/ Collecting Burrell and McNabb

My Tradelist


Donovan McNabb: All Game used, commons, rookies, autos, inserts and any other memorabilia.

Pat Burrell: All Game used, commons, rookies, autos, inserts and any other memorabilia.


  • $20 you see what i pulled out of my playmakers box.
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • aharesahares Posts: 2,138 ✭✭
    Yeah you had a pretty good box...thanx for the price
    My New Site/ Collecting Burrell and McNabb

    My Tradelist


    Donovan McNabb: All Game used, commons, rookies, autos, inserts and any other memorabilia.

    Pat Burrell: All Game used, commons, rookies, autos, inserts and any other memorabilia.
  • np yeah i got 3 more playmakers uincoming should get on tuesday or weneday
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • lmao horrible box.
    Tyson Chandler is a common boblhead, the most common in the set! and a houston jersey? wow! and jeryl sasser rc! unbelievable!
    i guess mine wasnt 2 much better...
    curry boblehead KG gold GU 30/150 and Eddie Griffin RC with some others jarron collins and forgot the other dude...
  • u want ur bobblehead?? i want some...only 1 gu ? i had 2...
  • I had up to 3 gu per box and a couple didn't have any.
  • lol i would hate 2 be like a shop and sell boxes then go in there and get the box with no GU,
    it would tick me off 2 no avail
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