Fancy serial numbers

Found two notes... both are crisp and basically in the CU spectrum. Both are $1 notes and one is a 1974 I with serial I21500512B seems that is one. And the other is a 1963 A J with serial would would the 1963 A be considered one as well? and if so, are these worth submitting?
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The 1974 is a radar and the 1963A has an interesting serial number.
Personally and respectfully, neither note is a candidate for grading in my world.
I'd keep them, just because their cool. Not financially feasible to have them graded !!!
Is this 2013 $20 serial # 00888009 worth anything? just wondering if its worth saving or selling

Some collectors find them interesting and will pay a small premium. Personally, most "fancy" serial numbers don't excite me. They are not worth submitting for grading.
I won CU radar and repeater $1 notes in a coin club raffle a few years back. I think I ended up getting about $20 for the two.
The 1963A is a bit of a down ladder. 03 02 01 00
Yes, in that condition & the SN nothing special, the $20 is spender for sure.
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Thank you for reminding me that I made this post. At some point in the future... the distant future... perhaps I can redeem myself by posting something more worthy
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