Southern California Sportscard Show June 29 in Garden Grove

I set up at the monthly OC Dugout swapmeets and will be setting up at this show. Giving everyone in the SoCal area a heads up on what's coming up later this month. I am trying to forward this information on the other collector boards yet I am having trouble signing up to their forums as I am stuck in the moderation process. If anyone in SoCal wants to forward this information it would be appreciated.
I'll pass it around a bit. Tons of facebook groups as well.
Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's
How many tables are you expecting? This is literally 5 min from my house.
Lets hope it's considerably better than the Pomona show a few months ago.
Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's
Andy told me he has about 12 so far. Would like to get at least eight more. More is better. The OC Dugout in Anaheim which is the legacy of the old Baseball Card Dugout will definitely be there. Those that are thinking of setting up are encouraged to contact Andy at the above address.
Only one more week. If anyone from the SoCal area needs junk wax era commons to fill in sets, PM me so I can bring them to this show. I will be the guy in the green apron. For this show, I will have mostly 80s-2007 RCs, Cheaper Trouts and various other items. Hope to see you all there.
$30 for a table in SoCal?? Are you sure this isn't a flyer from 1987?
Any hockey vendors?
It’s on my calendar.. hope to take my boys if there isn’t an all-star game in the way.
One of the dealers, Stan from Kids Rules Sports says he will bring some hockey items. I believe he's in Laguna Niguel somewhere. Contact him for more specifics.
I plan to attend. Is there anyone there selling modern boxes?
Oh so close. I couldn't get this Saturday off. I hope the show goes well. I would love to set up if this show becomes a regular thing. I hope all who attend have fun.
Bump for tomorrow. Place may be tricky to locate so I posted a map of it here.

Can anyone share photos or a recap of the show?
From a dealer's standpoint, I did okay. I didn't know what to expect as this is the first show at this venue. Some guys did better than others but from what I heard the prices were modest so I didn't hear complaints of stuff being too high. There wasn't much high-end stuff for that matter either. I don't recall seeing any vintage Mantles or anything like that, but since I did carry a sprinkling of 19th century and Goudeys, all the eras were represented. I had T206s but they weren't out because I couldn't figure out how to display them and not many collectors asked about them. This venue has the potential of being something much better as there was no admission charge, free parking, their concession stand prices is on par with what you would see at a youth baseball league concession stand. I enjoyed setting up and hope there will be future shows especially with the hotter summer months coming up and this venue is indoors and air-conditioned.
Just judging by the pictures it looks like attendance was pretty low?
I stopped by in the afternoon. From what I saw there were a steady stream of people coming through. It didn't get crowded but I think that is due to the size of the venue. I talked to two dealers and both said they would return. There is plenty of parking and the place is located in a nice area. The selection wasn't high end, but I don't necessarily shop for those items at a local card show. There was a nice mix of products including a few 1990's boxes I picked up.
I hope the show does grow. I like going to Franks but I do like the variety of sellers that a card show like this one has to offer. Franks tends to get repetitive seeing the same guys every week.
Frank and Sons in City of Industry??
Yup. The palace of Industry with the Road Warrior parking lot.
Went to that place when I came to California last year. I don't know whether I loved it or hated it. I wish they had all the cards together so they were easier to find. There was so much other crap there and most of it was of no interest to me at all. Met some good guys selling cards, saw some interesting looking people and the food was solid, lol.
The sportscards part of the show is declining. I used to make some big deals there but the last few years it has been slim pickens. Yes the other part of the venue brings in all types.
I think the OC and LA collector could support a monthly sportscards only show weekend show in Garden Grove.
Thanks for the photos and recaps. I am sorry I missed the show as I typically work Saturdays. I would actually love to know if there will be another one of these in the future. If I had enough notice, I would try and get the Saturday off to set up for the show. I have never set up at a show and think it would be fun to experience things from that side.