Non-Stamp Collector Question

Hi all,
I've been on the sports card and memorabilia side of things most of my life, but never stamps. I have came into a lot of international envelopes, both large and small, and wanted to get thoughts on what to do with them. Before I tossed them in the recycling bin, would there be any interest from collectors if I were to cut out around the stamp and postmark (like a large square) and put those together in lots and offer for sale (like start at .99 cents)? I understand it most likely would be practically no value, but wanted to check before I tossed in recycle. They are all going to be current stamps or from the last year or two. Some are postmarked, and some are not. They are from countries all across the world, not including the US.
Thank you for any input!
DON'T CUT THEM!!!!!!! There is a market for intact covers like that. They probably aren't worth a lot but there are collectors out there who would like to have them.
So I should leave the envelopes whole as I got them and make no cuts anywhere on the envelope? Just want to be sure I'm understanding. I wasn't planning on cutting the actual stamp or postmark itself, just a large square around it. If you say leave it alone, then I'll definitely leave it alone.
Thank you for your reply!
Don't cut anything. Collectors these days like complete covers.
Open your mail neatly with a letter opener or knife, and don't cut the stamps off.
Refrain from writing on the envelope.
Thanks to the OP for asking this question. I wish I knew about this much earlier. Leave cover and stamp alone and open envelopes neatly with knife or letter opener. I suppose the cover should also reflect proper postage of the era and not have more stamps than necessary on there.
What if canceled stamps are removed from the envelope neatly, is there any kind of value to those?
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
Never toss stamps! Donate them at the least! Someone will want them, and it'll make you feel good if someone has use for them.
There is a market for some cancelled stamps. Finding a buyer can be difficult. The markups in the stamp market are very high.