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Who was looking for jason collins!!! sweet cards

01-02 fleer exclusives #141 player worn patch (4 color blue, red, gray, silver) and 01-02 sp authentics auto 227/390. i'm looking for honor roll basketball. lmk what you have for trade. thanks
Looking for Roethlisberger (higher end)

ref; sportsguy247, clippers21fan,
ahares,samsgirl214, cardnyou,
donniebaseball23, bradley25,
duncangal, battier, josher416
speedmaster, SkiVermont3,netfan5


  • that was me... I like the them both. I have no honor roll... whats the total BV and what else do you need?
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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  • im interestedin both as well
    i have no honor roll but lmk if you would like to trade
  • i'm also interested in both. all i have for honor roll is a stackhouse fab five the scorers. what else do you need?
    everything i have is for sale.

    email: pjmetsknicks@yahoo.com
    aol instant messanger: lazy16831
  • i need the patch i can give you the kg/brand dual jersey bv 40 plus more check out my list in my sig and lmk what else you want me too add in, what is the bv on the patch?
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