1958 Lincoln cud error
Posts: 37 ✭
Is it possable to clean glue/plastic without loosing value? Any offers?
Welcome, As to the question. I do not see a “Cud” Wich typically are found on the rim of the coin if I am not mistaken. I see a die chip in the #‘8’ your coin is worth about 2 cents.
To restoration if there is glue or residue I will leave that for someone else to comment on
A cud on a coin is a damaged area resembling a blob on the surface of a coin. The cud is raised above the field, and it obliterates the device or inscription where it appears. Cuds are the result of die cracks or die breaks which have become severe. - source google
Im not trying to come off as rude or condescending but you are suggesting that i am misleading with the description, but i just wanted to point out that a die chip is the definition of a cud.
In this case the little pin inside the nuber 8 snapped off before the penny was struck.
Yes, I understand what a cud is. But I am not seeing any here. Just glue or residue of the sorts. Could you tell me where you are looking? Maybe I am just not seeing it
Its inside the top of the number 8 the pin thats on the die thats makes the center hole broke before striking. Now that im thinking about it, they have been making dies for hundreds of years. it doesn't make since that it would break right off the bat, and seems like maybe the die was used around 7 million times before it broke. so its very possible that this is one of the very last wheat pennys ever made.
The pin broke deep so the inside of the nuber 8 is higher than the rest of the number
I just looked up how many times they use a die and its 750,000 to 1,000,000 times before they use a new one so no telling if it was first or last until they start putting serial numbers on coins.
There’s no arguing with a self proclaimed expert 😆
Choice Numismatics www.ChoiceCoin.com
CN eBay
All of my collection is in a safe deposit box!
I smell a troll nearby 🤷🏼♂️
Thats exactly the same thing i was thinking.
I would not pay 2 cents for that.
I’m being optimistic lol 😭 I can not tell if the OP is serious or not
Would you pay 2 cents if they said they could restore it?
Oh my... You need to. Study up
I wouldn’t and don’t want that hideous common date coin
Wow bud! First you say my post is wrong and there is no cud, then i copy and paste the defenition of the word to show my post is indeed accurate, then you claim you dont see it (even though you mentioned it in your in your first comment) and still claim its a 2 cent coin.
On my own fault when i was looking up the coin there were alot of dishonest people selling the coin as errored at a very high price, and made me think if they could ask for 45,000 i could maybe get a couple hundered. However i did end up finding the same "cud error" on other websites and it was still selling at $200 and more.
You reply on other peoples post with little or no knowledge of what your talking about. You stike me as the kind of person that talks only to hear yourself speak, talking for hours without saying anything. Making it up as you go along and then actualy belive what comes out of your mouth as fact and will argue that your right until everyone else just stops trying to tell you your full of it
I really wish there was a kick/block button on these fourms i could press to get rid of idiots.
Lmao Whatever floats your boat. Go and purchase some of those coins you posted
A “die chip” is not a “cud” my friend
Selected term: Cud
Explanation: A raised lump of metal on a coin caused by a piece of a die having broken off; When a coin is struck by a broken die, the place where the die is broken or missing will often show up as extra metal on the surface of a coin. This extra piece of metal or 'cud' can be from a piece of the die being missing or a still intact, but moved
This is the second 3rd party un bias defenition of the "coin term" cud.
You are wrong i am right.
My post is correctly worded and acurite.
It is most certainly (acurite) I understand the meaning. Once again, what you are referring to is “Commonly” referred to as a Die Chip. You are just being difficult. Your coin is a common date wheat penny with a common or some what common die chip on the 8. Has no numismatic value. I am going to leave this matter alone now and you can ask others opinions as I have gave you mine. Enjoy yourself
Nothing here...move on
This is the BST (buy, sale, trade) forum. Please take this discussion to the US Coin forum.
Actual BST posters will greatly appreciate it.
CRH4LIFE after doing a little but of research, i finally understand what you have been saying this whole time. It turns out, it is what you say it is and i was mislead but the amount of people i guess are selling fakes or lying about what they are selling. I was very rude and it was uncalled for. The whole time you kept your cool and it shows you are a better man than i am. Thank you.
I am very sorry.
You are right and i am wrong.