What would you do?
Posts: 714 ✭✭✭✭
Here is the scenario.
An 80 year old woman who's husband just passed away asks you to advise her of the worth of a collection of old ball cards he collected as a youth. The collection consists of mint looking 1950's baseball cards and includes several potential gem mint Mickey Mantle rookies. What do you do? Or simply, how have you acted in the past with something similar?
What would you do?
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
I advise her of the true value of the collection and make her a fair offer. If she does not accept my offer I offer to help her move the collection and get the top dollar for her with my payment perhaps being the opportunity to buy a Mantle at a large discount of her choosing.
Assuming this is a raw collection.
1 and 3 are pretty close to the same answer for me.
The size of this collection is a huge variable and unless youve done it before is quite hard to fathom the actual amount of time, supplies and money it takes to liquidate all the items that you choose not to hold for your own pc.
I went with option 1 and would probably offer 60%. Later down the road if I happened to run across some obscure card or grail-type scenario, I would go back and throw her an additional bone and make it right.
If she declined for the easy dump, then I would probably give her a very fair offer just on the items I wanted with the notion that I’d help her in anyway I could with any other’s that approached her.
You always do whatever the 100% honest and decent thing is. You'll never go wrong if you do.
If I couldn't afford them, then I would assist her and maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky she will treat you to lunch. A lunch that consists of.................... two good ol' fashioned hotdogs all the way, and a Large Coke. 😉
I'll see you all in hell .
Yes, I don't see the difference between #1 and #3. Considering all your time and expenses, 50% is a fair offer. Explain to her what you're doing and why. I'll bet your 50% of retail offer is better than she could get from shopping it around, and much less work for her, too.