Should Heritage let you sell using "Make Offer to Owner" if...
Posts: 34,353 ✭✭✭✭✭
... you didn't purchase it from them?
I track things I'm interested in with "Make Offer to Owner" but sometimes I end up picking them up through another venue.
Why the heck not? They're acting like a dealer, so of course, dealers sell coins not originally bought from them.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Actually you can. You just have to claim the coin is yours and put it in your inventory. Then you could list it for sale. If you find the original auction where the coin sold they have a tab to claim it as yours.
COULD they? Yes
SHOULD they? Only if they want to be ebay.
I'm having trouble figuring out how that would be different than just consigning with them and setting reserve prices.
I believe you can in the inventory section with the coins you buy from them. They could let people sell coins like eBay and make just as much money with less work
The only difference is it would stay in your house. It also would get fewer views than if actually in an auction.