1953 canadian nickel

Can anyone tell me if this is a no shoulder near maple leaf or a shoulder fold f
ar maple leaf. Or neither
A world without coins "Chaos"
Can anyone tell me if this is a no shoulder near maple leaf or a shoulder fold f
ar maple leaf. Or neither
A world without coins "Chaos"
I’m sure someone will answer it in the US coin forum, but there is a World and Ancient forum: https://forums.collectors.com/categories/world-ancient-coins-forum
looks like no shoulder fold, but the image is blurry. And given that the coin is rusty, it doesn't make much difference.
Double threads
you guys always speak in code... I am a newbee. Are they valuable yes or no...
A world without coins "Chaos"
NO. It is not valuable. It is rusty.
I don't see any replies in code. @jmlanzaf provided you with the info you were looking for and is spot on. You never stated in your original post that you were also looking for value. Your last post is also rather terse.
Don't get your knickers in a twist.
Personally, that one would go directly into the countertop kid's scrounge box.
A world without coins "Chaos"
No sweat.
A coupl;e of things to remember:
Thanks . I was about to write you off as a curmudgeon. I appreciate your candor and advice.
A world without coins "Chaos"
Meh...I've been called worse.
Info on the 5 cent piece and value:
As mentioned by @jmlanzaf the rust does no favors.
Look at the letter "I" in the word "DEI" obverse- if the ends of the "I" are flared -its a no shoulder variety. If the "I" is straight sided it has a shoulder fold (strap like line over queen's shoulder). Yours is the no shoulder fold variety.
You guys have been very helpful.. Much appreciated....Ray
A world without coins "Chaos"
The coin is the no shoulder fold variety, the shoulder fold looks very much like a bra strap (of course, this description is not socially correct).
There is another variety for this date. Near and far maple leaf on the reverse to the left of the 5. The example pictured looks like the "far" type.
There were a few strikes where the no shoulder fold was struck with a near maple leaf. This variety is over $1000 in low grades.
The other variety is the shoulder fold with a far maple leaf. This one starts at $500 in low grades.
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