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Has anyone seen these replica banknote plates before? (several images)

I haven't seen these before and was wondering if anyone else has. They are about 11 1/2 " by 5 1/4 ", and have a green plastic backing, some with a handwritten number.


  • Steve_in_TampaSteve_in_Tampa Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭✭✭

    They look metallic, are they metal ?

  • ChangeInHistoryChangeInHistory Posts: 3,060 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, metal fronts, plastic on the back. They weigh just under a pound each.

  • Steve_in_TampaSteve_in_Tampa Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A numismatic paperweight of sorts.

    I’m unable to recall ever seeing these before. Kinda novel.

    Are they yours ? Where’d you get them ? How much do they cost ?

  • HemisphericalHemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Those are neat.

    Some type of lithographic art of currency?

  • Timbuk3Timbuk3 Posts: 11,658 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Interesting, I've never seen those before, pretty "cool" !!! :)

  • sellitstoresellitstore Posts: 2,978 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you reverse the images as plates would read backwards or is this as they actually appear?

    Plates display a reverse image of everything, so that everything printed will be reversed to appear normal. Also, these are larger than the actual notes. The actual plates for these notes had four notes on each plate.

    These also show design features on each note that are printed from different plates on the actual notes, such as tints.

    So these are actually metallic reproductions of large size bank notes. They are really not plates or reproductions of plates.

    Interesting, as others have commented, nonetheless.

    Collector and dealer in obsolete currency. Always buying all obsolete bank notes and scrip.
  • ChangeInHistoryChangeInHistory Posts: 3,060 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, i put plates in the title, in a more generic sense i used to have about a dozen Whitman Confederate note plates, used for one of their books, I figured they weren't printng plates, they're not inverse, etc.
    Here's the last little Whitman printing plate i have. It has a 1 inch wood block fastened to the back.

  • ChangeInHistoryChangeInHistory Posts: 3,060 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @mbwizkid said:
    A numismatic paperweight of sorts.

    I’m unable to recall ever seeing these before. Kinda novel.

    Are they yours ? Where’d you get them ? How much do they cost ?

    I don't own them yet, but its a possibility.

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