Question about regrading.
Posts: 412 ✭✭✭
I want to try to get a bump up in grade. Do you have to request and pay for a reholder?
you can select review on the standard sub form. if it bumps, they will reholder. if it doesn't, I believe you will need to specifically note you would like it reslabbed anyways and they will charge you a reholder fee.
Ok. Thank you.
This is interesting, I would hope that if you request a review and it doesn't bump that you could request a new holder and not be charged an additional reholdering fee. If you are paying for them to grade the card and it bumps you get a new holder. I don't see why you should have to pay more to reholder if it doesn't bump. They still do the same amount of work regardless of grade.
I meant to say that I agree.
you request a review, they perform a $20 service. if it bumps, they will reholder as part of the $20 fee (just like as if it was a raw card being resubbed). now if it doesn't bump, they will return it as is....however, maybe they will reholder it a no extra charge. im not entirely sure, which is why I said I believe they may charge a reholder fee however that may indeed be wrong and they may do it under the review pricing so long as you include a note indicating such. I think that is all it takes and they probably won't charge for it. you're right.
Under review if something does not bump you can ask for it to be reholdered regardless. In the line on the form free text that you want it reholdered no matter what. One is only charged for the review and not doubled up for a reholder
This is the response from customer support:
Thank you for contacting PSA Customer Service. It is not our standard procedure to reholder a card if the grade remains the same on a review submission. You can request it on the submission form, but it is not guaranteed that that can be accommodated. If the grade remains the same typically the grader will leave small notes as to why it is going to remain the grade it was given. If you have additional questions please call 800-325-1121 or visit our website at
Thank you,
Re: is not guaranteed that that can be accommodated.
I think PSA should form a binary policy and list it for everyone to see; that is to either accommodate it or do not accommodate it whenever requested. It seems like they can decide ad hoc and treat folks differently without explanation. IMO
Based on previous submissions they do not reholder everytime requested. About 25%.
This is interesting. I guess I don't understand the logic of why they do not do it without the bump, but do it with the bump. It is like adding insult to injury, lol.
I wonder if they only reholder if they take the card out to examine it. If they can see a reason not to bump upon first glance maybe they never take it out of the holder to examine it closely.
Logistically, I would think that they would reholder when they are not backed up or when they see an older holder or when they see relatively more wear and tear on the submitted holder. But I don’t think we should be left to guess on how they decide.
I certainly agree that these are possibilities. But to me, I would be upset if I were the person who paid for a review and requested a reholder regardless of bump or not. You are paying the same amount and for the same service as the person who reviews, bumps and gets the reholder. To me, PSA should reholder every review, unless the customer specifically requests to leave the card in the holder. I think the grader should take the card out of the holder to inspect the card anyway if they are making judgements on the card condition.
One is not guaranteed a bump on any review submission, so one should not expect that the rest of the submitted group be treated the same way. Or another way to say it is: if you want the bump, you must have a reholdering. I do agree that graders need to see the card clearly, so perhaps the reason for reholdering non-bumps is to allow for a proper evaluation. I think we all would to see an automatic reholdering when requested. I would like transparency instead of guessing about the criteria.