At this point all I can add is I love Prunes, Hate Prune Juice organic or not, I feel Pineapple is a bit too sweet but I will have a small piece here and there but NEVER on Pizza 😝
@perkdog said:
At this point all I can add is I love Prunes, Hate Prune Juice organic or not, I feel Pineapple is a bit too sweet but I will have a small piece here and there but NEVER on Pizza 😝
Never understood prune juice. Prunes are dried plums. That would be like having raisin juice rather than grape juice.
@lawnmowerman said:
I usually sit down after work and eat an entire cored pineapple. Talk about a taste sensation
Pineapples seem hit or miss now. Hawaiians rarely hit the market here but are the best . Some of the Mexican fruit is good. Cosa Rican fruit is cardboard. Truly inedible. They screwed something up bigtime.
@lawnmowerman said:
I usually sit down after work and eat an entire cored pineapple. Talk about a taste sensation
Pineapples seem hit or miss now. Hawaiians rarely hit the market here but are the best . Some of the Mexican fruit is good. Cosa Rican fruit is cardboard. Truly inedible. They screwed something up bigtime.
Interesting. Not sure where they grow the ones I buy. I would imagine somewhere local (Florida) but they're always good.
My Summertime treat is a Watermelon. I cut it right in half, grab a spoon and hit the couch. Next day, I do the other half. Watermelon is my #1 Favorite food and it’s not even debatable 😊
@perkdog said:
My Summertime treat is a Watermelon. I cut it right in half, grab a spoon and hit the couch. Next day, I do the other half. Watermelon is my #1 Favorite food and it’s not even debatable 😊
While the OP inquired about eating a whole large pizza...we quickly morphed into a mega buffet, where you pony up $95, to have a gastronomical event that must last (internally) for a fews days after said consumption of untold volumes of seafood. Paul was kind enough not to totally pig out by having a "small slice of prime rib"...this after 6 lobstahs and 400 crab legs. Not sure how the root beer floats and the cheese and chocolate cakes hit your digestive tract. YAHTZEE!!!
Then, Paul moves to his love of can only believe why he loves the prunes. After consuming said mass quantities of the seafood bonanza++, he has developed a need for a "pusher". Way to go Paul, please video the next event and post it...near the end please. Paul then relates an event that falls into the category of "oh wow, not sure I'd told anyone about that". The following video by Galaxy27...classic!! Stevek then posts a pic that may be most beneficial to Paul for his possible upcoming gastro deal with his's foldable, pop it right in the car, set it up near the table, and you're good to go...literally.
Paul clearly takes the blue ribbon in this "pizza thread", although he mentions nothing of his pizza consuming prowess. Perhaps the buffet is lacking in this selection...ah, but the root beer swimming around among the lobstahs, crab legs and chocolate cake should really be enough.
Now comes the pineapple craze...loving pineapple myself, not sure I can inhale a whole one at one sitting...I guess I could try, sounds tempting.
Then there's the Taco Bell event...this guy consumed mass quantities of things I can't imagine downing in 6 hours. For sure, he comes in second to Paul. Prunes anyone?
DrBuster brings it all back to reality with some cool pics of his wife's cooking prowess. At this point I am moving Paul to runner up (nothing personal Paul...I think it was the gas thing that changed my mind), and DrBuster's post is, at this point the Blue Ribbon winner...given the thread is about pizza consumption. Importing the Barcelonan chorizo locked it down.
DrStevek gets an honorable mention for his anatomical medical advice...take notes Paul. Perhaps his medical education and advice warrant addressing him as "Dr Stevek"....ahhhhh....NO.
So... anyone for chocolate milk and Cheerios with a pepperoni pizza chaser?
After re reading this thread I'm pretty certain I'm going to get a large Gambino's pizza tonight.
Especially since after today's game the Royals will have lost 6 games in a row, it will help ease the pain.
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
My apologies Paul, I had to go back and forth so many times...I think the "gas' thing kinda got me away from you a bit.
Not a watermelon fan, but glad you're enjoying a water-like food to help flush out the other "items".
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
I had to jump all over that one just because I used to be a wheat farmer and now work at a flour mill.
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
I had to jump all over that one just because I used to be a wheat farmer and now work at a flour mill.
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
I had to jump all over that one just because I used to be a wheat farmer and now work at a flour mill.
I hope you earn a lot of bread doing it.
See what I mean? Sometimes its just such a nice setup you have to jump all over it. LOL.
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
I had to jump all over that one just because I used to be a wheat farmer and now work at a flour mill.
I hope you earn a lot of bread doing it.
See what I mean? Sometimes its just such a nice setup you have to jump all over it. LOL.
Yea, I'm sure you haven't heard that one before.
But I just couldn't let an opportunity such as that pass me by.
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
I had to jump all over that one just because I used to be a wheat farmer and now work at a flour mill.
@Darin said:
After re reading this thread I'm pretty certain I'm going to get a large Gambino's pizza tonight.
I did repeat of last weekend and got another large extra cheese extra sauce pizza, salad and garlic knots. Unfortunately, the kids were home again so I had to share🤣
I used to cut lawns in high school and summers off during college, my own neighborhood business. I didn't mind that, but I hated it when customers asked me to do other things such as mulch, weeding, etc. So I'd quote them a high price so i wouldn't get the job, and they always gave me the job anyway. Then i didn't mind it so much.
Speaking of mulch, I have a cheapo client that wanted me to get mulch from one of our local brush sites. It's free and of the lowest quality. I reluctantly said yes and picked up the mulch. Upon spreading it in her yard, it became apparent my hesitancy was not unfounded.
The mulch was composed of various trees and plants not normally used for mulch. There was also lots of fibrous palm material that would not spread evenly due to being very long and stringy. Mixed in the mulch were many ground up sneakers, boots and clothing lol. That's not the worst part.
The mulch was infested with roaches that quickly took up residence in her landscape beds and other areas around the house. She came out and began to freak. Ran back inside, came out with a broom and started beating her beds and grass like an insane person🤣🤣
I said "I told ya not to get it". I think next time she will listen haha
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
😂😂😂. I probably spelt it like that without thinking but I want to blame it on my cellphone 😀
Speaking of mulch, I have a cheapo client that wanted me to get mulch from one of our local brush sites. It's free and of the lowest quality. I reluctantly said yes and picked up the mulch. Upon spreading it in her yard, it became apparent my hesitancy was not unfounded.
The mulch was composed of various trees and plants not normally used for mulch. There was also lots of fibrous palm material that would not spread evenly due to being very long and stringy. Mixed in the mulch were many ground up sneakers, boots and clothing lol. That's not the worst part.
The mulch was infested with roaches that quickly took up residence in her landscape beds and other areas around the house. She came out and began to freak. Ran back inside, came out with a broom and started beating her beds and grass like an insane person🤣🤣
I said "I told ya not to get it". I think next time she will listen haha
I would have definitely enjoyed watching that video on Youtube. 🤣
@perkdog said:
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
Steve you are correct, thankfully my reports were all done on computer the last 15 years of my career. If you saw my Neanderthal handwritten reports you would laugh as I was all thumbs 😂
Galaxy, from the get go you were doomed with the pineapple. That stuff was digesting the meat way before it reached your stomach.
Try it again with mushrooms instead and report back!
Organic prune juice... Are we exploring the outer limits and setting new possibilities for what to add to vodka?
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
At this point all I can add is I love Prunes, Hate Prune Juice organic or not, I feel Pineapple is a bit too sweet but I will have a small piece here and there but NEVER on Pizza 😝
I usually sit down after work and eat an entire cored pineapple. Talk about a taste sensation
1994 Pro Line Live
Never understood prune juice. Prunes are dried plums. That would be like having raisin juice rather than grape juice.
Of course there are a number laxative brands sold in stores. But i prefer using natural remedies whenever possible.
Pineapples seem hit or miss now. Hawaiians rarely hit the market here but are the best . Some of the Mexican fruit is good. Cosa Rican fruit is cardboard. Truly inedible. They screwed something up bigtime.
Interesting. Not sure where they grow the ones I buy. I would imagine somewhere local (Florida) but they're always good.
1994 Pro Line Live
Do you buy them already cored?
If not, they should have a label of origin.
Yep. I buy them from Plublix super market. They skin and core them in the store and package them in a resealable plastic container.
Also, if you let them sit in the fridge for a week you can eat the pineapple and wash it down with the prison hooch left in the container haha
1994 Pro Line Live
Perk probably has a pruno recipe.
pizza, easy. Can eat one-point-something pizzas. Haven't tried to eat two, other than two homemade ones. That's still easy.
My Summertime treat is a Watermelon. I cut it right in half, grab a spoon and hit the couch. Next day, I do the other half. Watermelon is my #1 Favorite food and it’s not even debatable 😊
Agree with that. Nothing better on a hot day,
While the OP inquired about eating a whole large pizza...we quickly morphed into a mega buffet, where you pony up $95, to have a gastronomical event that must last (internally) for a fews days after said consumption of untold volumes of seafood. Paul was kind enough not to totally pig out by having a "small slice of prime rib"...this after 6 lobstahs and 400 crab legs. Not sure how the root beer floats and the cheese and chocolate cakes hit your digestive tract. YAHTZEE!!!
Then, Paul moves to his love of can only believe why he loves the prunes. After consuming said mass quantities of the seafood bonanza++, he has developed a need for a "pusher". Way to go Paul, please video the next event and post it...near the end please. Paul then relates an event that falls into the category of "oh wow, not sure I'd told anyone about that". The following video by Galaxy27...classic!! Stevek then posts a pic that may be most beneficial to Paul for his possible upcoming gastro deal with his's foldable, pop it right in the car, set it up near the table, and you're good to go...literally.
Paul clearly takes the blue ribbon in this "pizza thread", although he mentions nothing of his pizza consuming prowess. Perhaps the buffet is lacking in this selection...ah, but the root beer swimming around among the lobstahs, crab legs and chocolate cake should really be enough.
Now comes the pineapple craze...loving pineapple myself, not sure I can inhale a whole one at one sitting...I guess I could try, sounds tempting.
Then there's the Taco Bell event...this guy consumed mass quantities of things I can't imagine downing in 6 hours. For sure, he comes in second to Paul. Prunes anyone?
DrBuster brings it all back to reality with some cool pics of his wife's cooking prowess. At this point I am moving Paul to runner up (nothing personal Paul...I think it was the gas thing that changed my mind), and DrBuster's post is, at this point the Blue Ribbon winner...given the thread is about pizza consumption. Importing the Barcelonan chorizo locked it down.
DrStevek gets an honorable mention for his anatomical medical advice...take notes Paul. Perhaps his medical education and advice warrant addressing him as "Dr Stevek"....ahhhhh....NO.
So... anyone for chocolate milk and Cheerios with a pepperoni pizza chaser?
After re reading this thread I'm pretty certain I'm going to get a large Gambino's pizza tonight.
Especially since after today's game the Royals will have lost 6 games in a row, it will help ease the pain.
Al you left out my love of Watermelon 🍉 😂. My digestive system is actually just fine, reason why I didn’t get into the Pizza part of this thread is I try to stay away from White Flower products and do my best to eat well, as I stated I still use the same belt loop I used in the academy over 20 years ago. 👍. Definitely an interesting thread with many different avenues, and I did my best not to be to graphic with my “Episode” yet driving the story home 😂
Glad that you eliminated the details.
My apologies Paul, I had to go back and forth so many times...I think the "gas' thing kinda got me away from you a bit.
Not a watermelon fan, but glad you're enjoying a water-like food to help flush out the other "items".
Sox have imploded!!!
Always good Al! 🍻
Recent picture of Paul consuming a hamburger.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with eating white flower products.
I tend to steer away from the red and purple flowers because those are the ones high in calories.
Sorry couldn't help myself.
Think you meant flour.
Further proof that good spelling isn't a requirement to be an excellent law enforcement officer.
I had to jump all over that one just because I used to be a wheat farmer and now work at a flour mill.
I hope you earn a lot of bread doing it.
See what I mean? Sometimes its just such a nice setup you have to jump all over it. LOL.
Yea, I'm sure you haven't heard that one before.
But I just couldn't let an opportunity such as that pass me by.
Has to...he kneads the dough.
I did repeat of last weekend and got another large extra cheese extra sauce pizza, salad and garlic knots. Unfortunately, the kids were home again so I had to share🤣
1994 Pro Line Live
Lawnmowerman makes a lot of green in his landscaping business.
But he spends a lot of the money on Emmitt Smith cards, pizza, and feeding his kids...not necessarily in that order.
I don't make nearly as mulch.
Mulch = Money
I used to cut lawns in high school and summers off during college, my own neighborhood business. I didn't mind that, but I hated it when customers asked me to do other things such as mulch, weeding, etc. So I'd quote them a high price so i wouldn't get the job, and they always gave me the job anyway. Then i didn't mind it so much.
Mulch = Money
Two nice word plays lol
Speaking of mulch, I have a cheapo client that wanted me to get mulch from one of our local brush sites. It's free and of the lowest quality. I reluctantly said yes and picked up the mulch. Upon spreading it in her yard, it became apparent my hesitancy was not unfounded.
The mulch was composed of various trees and plants not normally used for mulch. There was also lots of fibrous palm material that would not spread evenly due to being very long and stringy. Mixed in the mulch were many ground up sneakers, boots and clothing lol. That's not the worst part.
The mulch was infested with roaches that quickly took up residence in her landscape beds and other areas around the house. She came out and began to freak. Ran back inside, came out with a broom and started beating her beds and grass like an insane person🤣🤣
I said "I told ya not to get it". I think next time she will listen haha
1994 Pro Line Live
😂😂😂. I probably spelt it like that without thinking but I want to blame it on my cellphone 😀
I would have definitely enjoyed watching that video on Youtube. 🤣
Steve you are correct, thankfully my reports were all done on computer the last 15 years of my career. If you saw my Neanderthal handwritten reports you would laugh as I was all thumbs 😂
Perk...hope that you locked in a good pension. Cell directed IRA is good too.