Share your favorite mini

Let's see your favorite mini card and give some background as to why it's a special part of your collection. It can be any sport, modern or vintage.
Mine is the 1996 Playoff Trophy Contenders Emmitt Smith, Bam Morris Back to Back. It is near and dear to my heart for a few reasons.
1995-96 was a good time in my life. I had just moved out of my parent's house and into my own place. The Cowboys had just wrapped up their third Super Bowl in four years (a record at the time until the Patriots tied that mark). I met a girl that eventually became my wife. One of her favorite things to do was to go to Walmart, late at night and check out all the weirdos 😂
While at Wally world, we would go to the card aisle and I would let her pick the packs for me. After that, we would hit a local 24-hour diner, grab a bite to eat and open the cards in the booth. We ended up pulling a copy of the card shown in the pic. I still have it in my raw collection. Good times.
I stumbled into this thread by accident, but I'm glad I did. I enjoyed that story lawnmowerman! Also a very cool card.
Awesome. Appreciate that dragon
1994 Pro Line Live
I knew Verne would make an appearance at some point. I just wasn't sure who would post him 🤣
1994 Pro Line Live
Hiya Matt
This one was a 30 buck trade that was sent in and came back a 9 - might have been my first "club" sub?
Hola Mike
Fantastic, baby faced Ryan
1994 Pro Line Live
That's a great card, Matt and even better story.
I'm not exactly sure if these qualify, but I've begun to really like the 1972 Sunoco stamp set, while I'm not bothered by Topps' 1970's airbrushing, there is something great about seeing Cowboys of that era with the star on their helmets.

Wow, I remember getting them at the gas station with my dad and receiving them,and ultimately filling the stamp book full...wish I would'e kept it.
Nice remembrance,and fond memories.Thanks for posting them.
I'm not bothered by Topps' 1970's airbrushing, there is something great about seeing Cowboys of that era with the star on their helmets.
Fantastic Sunocos
As a Cowboys fan, I completely agree. However as a kid, I couldn't understand why the star was missing. It bothered me so much I actually took a blue pen and put stars on a few of the helmets🤣
1994 Pro Line Live
One more from me, I'm a big Don Meredith fan, he doesn't have many cards so I really enjoy each one I get. This is a punched 1969 4 in 1 card.

Great Dandy Don! He was so underrated as a player that most people forget how great he was.
1994 Pro Line Live
My card, but not my scan.
Living in Seattle and being a hockey fan, you can't overlook Marc Boileau. He spent 9 years in town, 6 as a player and 3 as a coach. Apparently he was a fan of the city as well as I read somewhere that his ashes were scattered in Puget Sound.
Wrestling - Danielson - Storm - Tajiri
Pop 1, none higher and issued 43 years prior to the card used for him in the World Golf Hall of Fame Rookies, First Year Issue, or Early Key Card Set
Mike - sweet 75 Ryan. Love that card and have not been able to find one. That is a beauty.
Did you find that raw and grade it? Seems to me like a rare card that would take a bit of searching to find
1994 Pro Line Live
No, I stumbled across it already graded.
2005 UD Mini Jersey Collection
Signature Jerseys
Each Signature Jersey packed out as an exchange card, which expired July 14, 2008.
Odds 1:360

Thanx Keith.
Hey, it's a Garvey. What else am I gonna do?

Waiting for a Topps Micro to make an appearance.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn't believe it... he was a DWARF! He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, 'I AM NOT HAPPY!'
So, I looked down at him and said, 'Well, then which one are you?'
You really need some sort of warning before I read these at work......
My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black
Since no one else obliged ...

Usually yes but not in this case. I have it on my list but too many other things in front of it to pull the trigger on one. Heck I have had a Brett rookie in 8.5/9, Schmidt rookie in 8.5, 75 Ryan in a 9... on my lost for a while, but people keep selling Mantle cards and 70’s unopened and I keep buying them 😄
Wow... that's a wittle baby Larkin! I think this is my smallest Emmitt
1994 Pro Line Live
For those lacking space, the complete sets aren't much larger than a pack of Starburst
Too mini to choose from

My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black