1971 D One Cent DDR ? LM ??

in Q & A Forum
Is this DDO/DDR ? ANY thoughts on this coin
Is this DDO/DDR ? ANY thoughts on this coin
Thoughts (doing all the work again... the OP does not have the courtesy of at least trying to point out what and where they see something)
Pics taken through the plastic of a 2x2.
-Lincoln Memorial
-Zoom of Abe in the Memorial
-1971-D cent
-spec of glue?
-die gouge?
Here are pics taken out of plastic, (the big deal to you I'm not sure.) Zoom of Abe in the LM, he looks to be going into the next column. 1971 D Cent, not listed for a DDR. Spec of glue, I don't see it. Die gouge, maybe. Courtesy to point out something, well I think the LM would be pretty obvious to you and the doubleing. I being not as experienced as you have a hard time determining the difference between DD and MD, doesn't mean I don't do my work.

It was the plastic. Distorted the image. The white spec is gone so is the gouge. No DD.
Determining Die Doubling from Other Forms of Doubling by JT Stanton
The OP is getting defiant. Time for me to stop opening these threads.
One last thought on my way out: while they do exist on a few coins, a DDO/DDR on one coin would be insanely unlikely. If you think you see a DD on both sides, it is almost definitely MD or die erosion.
Obviously your not reading my post
Yes I did read your post. Maybe you forgot what you wrote?
Where do you see I'm defiant, that's rediculous. Also asking if a coin is doubled die is not being defiant, if that's what your referring too.
Sorry if I misread your intent, but @Hemispherical has been good enough to continue trying to answer your questions and everything he says if well thought out.
And I always thank him for his advise, when I tried to thank him in his last post I got a pop up saying it had to be approved, why I do not no. But I always appreciate his advise.