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ROUND 6 Numismatic March Madness GIVEAWAY and Tournament

KellenCoinKellenCoin Posts: 1,215 ✭✭✭✭

If you did not see my last thread, I am hosting a numismatic March Madness tournament!

The rules are simple. From now until April 8, on the dates listed below, voting will take place. In each round, you choose which coin should win! It doesn't matter why you chose that coin - maybe you like the design, maybe it has a cool name, or maybe you just hate the other coin. Whatever coin receives the most votes proceeds to the next round until we reach the championship on April 8! See the post here:
In the last round, another blowout was clear. The Oregon Trail 50c launched past the Liberty Cap Half Cent as soon as the round began and maintained its lead until the end. So, the commem will now face the winner of this round in Round 11.
So, here is the updated bracket:

This round, we have a battle of the metals. Will the severely underweight Fugio cents take down the three-cent silver? Or shall the stamp-buying trimes defeat the unsuccessful experiments in contractual coinage? Who will win? You decide!
Round 7 will be posted tomorrow, so make sure to get in your votes for this round!

CCAC Representative of the General Public
Columnist for The Numismatist
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year

ROUND 6 Numismatic March Madness GIVEAWAY and Tournament

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This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.


  • TheRavenTheRaven Posts: 4,143 ✭✭✭✭
    Fugio Cent

    Easy call here I would say.

    Collection under construction: VG Barber Quarters & Halves
  • KellenCoinKellenCoin Posts: 1,215 ✭✭✭✭

    @TheRaven said:
    Easy call here I would say.

    Why is that :)

    CCAC Representative of the General Public
    Columnist for The Numismatist
    2021 Young Numismatist of the Year

  • KellenCoinKellenCoin Posts: 1,215 ✭✭✭✭

    About 15 hours left!

    CCAC Representative of the General Public
    Columnist for The Numismatist
    2021 Young Numismatist of the Year

  • TheRavenTheRaven Posts: 4,143 ✭✭✭✭
    Fugio Cent

    Not to many people love the 3 cent coins.

    Collection under construction: VG Barber Quarters & Halves

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