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PCGS Regrades Hall Of Fame WLH Proof Collection

JBNJBN Posts: 1,851 ✭✭✭✭✭

For many years the proof Walking Liberty Half Dollar series featured two population 1, none finer examples:
A 1936 in PF68 and a 1942 in PF69.

Long part of the Hall of Fame Forsythe Set, they and the others in this 7 coin series have been regraded. I’m including the new and old cert numbers. I’d imagine the old ones will be zapped shortly.

1936 PF68+ #37917228. New Pop 1 finest. Was the ultra long Pop 1 in PF68 #25158388.
1937 PF68+ #37917229. New Pop 1 finest. Was #25158389 in PF68.
1938 PF68 #37917230. Same grade
1939 PF68 #37917231. Same grade.
1940 PF68+ #37917232. Same grade. Was #25158392 in PF68+.
1941 PF68+ #37917233. Now Pop 2. Was PF68 #25158393.
1942 PF69 #37917234. Was the ultra long Pop 1 in PF69 #25158394.

Congratulations on the results of the regrade! The set will now have three Pop 1, none finer – with the 1936 now a full grade higher than any other known example.


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