Coin Collector New to Currency Collecting
I have recently started collecting Star Notes and Fancy #’s. I have a few and would like to sell them. I don’t know values or what to even expect or how to gage. I have looked up the star notes and have the run #’s and rarity. But no value. I am aware condition is king. These are circulated.
Would someone mind providing a quick lesson or direct me where I can find a guide book w/ values?
Thank u in advance. Any guidance/assistance is much appreciated.
Please post pics !!!
Collect modern circulated stars just for fun. They unfortunately do not carry a premium above face.
Fancy serial numbers may carry a premium even when circulated depending on how fancy they are. Definitely post pictures and folks will chime in on value.
/\ What he said. /\ You may be suprised!
Oh my Gosh.... thank you for your responses. Here they are....and so sorry for the delay in providing

A bit of information can be found here:
Edit: you should move your question post to here:
This forum is to actively buy, sell, and trade.
Ok ty