Coin for stamp Trade. What will you give for a “junk” walking Liberty half dollar or few?

What UNUSED stamps or sheets will you trade for a heavily circulated Walker half?
I am looking to add a little to my stamps and have “junk” silver, raw Jefferson Nickels, and Pcgs Jefferson Nickels
Post pics of what you will offer.
I like sheets or diverse groups of unused US stamps.
Possibly interested in storage materials or pages for my post office book
I have some odds & ends. Can I see a pic of the Walker?
Thx for pix! Unfortunately, I don't actively collect stamps anymore (stopped in the 80's), and after checking, it appears I must have used most of my saved stamps (dinosaurs, Bugs Bunny, etc sheets) as regular postage. All I still have are a number of glacine envelopes with some older, lower-denomination stamps (not any particular theme - - just what appeared interesting at the time), and a full set of 1972 U.S. stamps (31, for a total face = only $2.40). Shame... I'd have been more than happy to swap if I still had anything left other than misc FDC's. Good luck with your trade offer!
Just throwing these out there.

I figure $42 & change face value
Are you still looking to trade your walkers for unused stamps?
Yes @Packerjohn I will trade one or two. I forgot about this thread
I would trade one or two to you for some of those