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Attributing Bust Half-Harder than I thought-Help please

TunisTunis Posts: 449 ✭✭✭✭

Have a copy of the Overton guide but I am still pretty clueless. I am eliminated the most obvious Obverses and Reverses but I am still stuck. Can I get some help in identifying the attributes of this coin? Thanks in advance.

Successful buys on BST board from NotSure, Nankraut, Yorkshireman, Astrorat, Ikeigwin(2x), Bob13, Outhaul, coinbuf, dpvilla, jayPem, Sean1990, TwoKopeiki, bidask, Downtown1974, drddm, nederveit2


  • opportunityopportunity Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭✭

    It appears to be an O-108

    Early American Copper, Bust and Seated.

  • TunisTunis Posts: 449 ✭✭✭✭

    I was kind of leaning towards a 103

    Successful buys on BST board from NotSure, Nankraut, Yorkshireman, Astrorat, Ikeigwin(2x), Bob13, Outhaul, coinbuf, dpvilla, jayPem, Sean1990, TwoKopeiki, bidask, Downtown1974, drddm, nederveit2

  • TommyTypeTommyType Posts: 4,586 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't have my copy handy....so I'll let the previous two posters fight it out. :)

    But for me, I think the most useful thing is to look at the reverse, and positions of the letters of "ED STATES OF AM" relative to the banner and "E PLURIBUS UNUM" on the banner. On many dates, those relative positions vary considerably, and should help you narrow down the possibilities.

    Once you are down to a few possibilities, then look at other relative positions, (stars on obverse, arrows, date and 50C positions).

    Hope this helps....at least a little.

    Easily distracted Type Collector
  • lkeigwinlkeigwin Posts: 16,892 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @opportunity said:
    It appears to be an O-108

    Correct. One obvious trait is the emerging die crack at star 7 and across the cap on the obverse.

  • lavalava Posts: 3,286 ✭✭✭

    That’s why your needed here Lance. Nice job.

    I brake for ear bars.
  • TunisTunis Posts: 449 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks to Opportunity and Lance. Looking back at the coin in hand, I see the beginnings of the die crack. I overlooked it many times, thinking it might be a scratch. I couldn’t figure out the Reverse because I was spending so much time on the shield and did not see any “dot”. Should have been looking at the letter alignment more. Also I did not have a clue on the “Left side of I in UNITED is recut”. I can see where stars have been recut but this eluded me.
    On to my next one!!!!

    Successful buys on BST board from NotSure, Nankraut, Yorkshireman, Astrorat, Ikeigwin(2x), Bob13, Outhaul, coinbuf, dpvilla, jayPem, Sean1990, TwoKopeiki, bidask, Downtown1974, drddm, nederveit2

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