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CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

Million Dollar fine would be too little.


  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 12, 2019 4:34AM

    Eh no different than other Athletes yelling at people. If there is no physical altercation then who cares

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭

    a mil for Russ

    so what should the punishment be for that racist, violent and xenophobic fan?

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,521 ✭✭✭✭✭

    why is he paying any attention at all to what a fan in the crowd is saying? be a professional and tune that stuff out.

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • hammer1hammer1 Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Maybe the scheduler can avoid OKC playing in Utah.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 12, 2019 8:21AM

    @perkdog said:
    Eh no different than other Athletes yelling at people. If there is no physical altercation then who cares

    League will care. He threatened to F--- up a bystander.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @galaxy27 said:
    a mil for Russ

    so what should the punishment be for that racist, violent and xenophobic fan?

    Throw him out. Never got the incessant hecklers. I wondered why they always sat behind me at a baseball game. I realized that if they were in front of me i wouldn't hear them.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    And those louts under the baskets trying to distract the free throwers need to go too. I think that is more of a college thing.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @craig44 said:
    why is he paying any attention at all to what a fan in the crowd is saying? be a professional and tune that stuff out.

    Security will quickly handle any problem. Much more efficiently if the idiot baller is not involved in the altercation.

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 12, 2019 9:15AM

    @craig44 said:
    why is he paying any attention at all to what a fan in the crowd is saying? be a professional and tune that stuff out.

    as someone who follows the NBA fairly intently, allow me to field this, if i may.

    first off, shame on you coin. after a while, flippantly creating these polarizing threads just to satisfy your insatiable desire to watch us cannibalize each other grows very tiresome. had you done this with a shred of impartiality in mind, i'd be all for hitting the ball back over the net. but that's not what you're doing. not only do you get off to the destruction left by these firestorms, but also you clearly have an axe to grind with any sports personality who has 7 or 8 zeros attached to his/her name. hence the thread title excluding any reference to the human being who actually created the problem.

    now to address craig's question.

    i am not a Russell Westbrook fan, per se, but i respect the hell out of his motor -- quite possibly the best in all of sports. dude gets after it on both sides of the court and churns out trip-doubs like they are going out of style.

    personally, i don't respect him as much. the guy is somewhat of a loose cannon, and i don't condone the vast majority of the things he has said/done. but from a grand scheme perspective, i absolutely understand why he has reacted the way he has on more than one occasion. if someone were to create a set of rankings for NBA players who absorb the most verbal abuse, Russell Westbrook would undoubtedly be the top vote getter. and unless the guy's patience exceeds his on-the-court talent, at some point it is bound to get to him. he may be able to do something that none of us here can, but eotd he bleeds red and feels in the exact same fashion.

    as for the fan, all you need to know is that he immediately deleted his twitter account when this became public, because the content would not have jibed with his account of what transpired last night. exceptionally vile stuff; i have seen screen grabs. rarely am i in favor of violence, but he is the type of individual who needs to have his ass kicked all over the place. otherwise, every day he wakes up he'll essentially be a cancer that metastasizes until he finally takes a dirt nap.

    all i will say is this. if i was out and about with one of my black friends and another white stranger told him to get on his knees and go back to where he came from, my friend wouldn't have a chance to get in his face because i would already be there.

    eta: coin held the perpetrator accountable while i was composing, so i apologize for what i said about his intentions and i now extend credit.

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for the edit..Galaxy.

    For the record, do not confuse my disdain for coaches at taxpayer funded institutions receiving multi million contracts while the talent is excluded from the revenue.

    You will rarely if ever see me on the forum begrudge the salary of an athlete or coach in professional team sports (I will continue to comment negatively on taxpayer funded venues) Gillette stadium for example was built with private funds so all is good there.

    I gave Nick Foles a thumbs up a few days ago on his $88,000,000 payday. Good for him.

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coinstartled said:
    Thank you for the edit..Galaxy.

    For the record, do not confuse my disdain for coaches at taxpayer funded institutions receiving multi million contracts while the talent is excluded from the revenue.

    You will rarely if ever see me on the forum begrudge the salary of an athlete or coach in professional team sports (I will continue to comment negatively on taxpayer funded venues) Gillette stadium for example was built with private funds so all is good there.

    I gave Nick Foles a thumbs up a few days ago on his $88,000,000 payday. Good for him.

    de nada. i read your initial rebuttal before you vaporized it and i like this one much better.

    all good

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    The “fan” should have his season tickets revoked and be banned from attending any NBA games for life.

  • hammer1hammer1 Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The fan would still be in the hospital if he said it to Ron Artest.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Well the problem is that you have 10,000 or more "fan's"

    Vast majority just want to enjoy the game. Will always be a few putzes in close proximity that want to stir stuff up. That is where you trust the security detail. They are trained to handle conflicts and if one gets injured, that does not cost you the playoffs.

    Seems that Westbrook has been involved in a number of similar skirmishes. If he can't handle NBA arenas, he should find a different line of work.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    No, this idea that the fan has paid for the ticket, and he/she is entitled to act in a disrespectful manner, goes back to the idea that “the customer is always right”. All that the ticket provides the buyer is the right to sit in an assigned seat, and to enjoy the game without being an annoyance to either other fans, or the players, coaches and refs. If I’m the owner, I’m standing up for the guy on my team, not some drunken a-hole who thinks paying $400 for a ticket is permission to be obnoxious.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @45isodd said:
    No, this idea that the fan has paid for the ticket, and he/she is entitled to act in a disrespectful manner, goes back to the idea that “the customer is always right”. All that the ticket provides the buyer is the right to sit in an assigned seat, and to enjoy the game without being an annoyance to either other fans, or the players, coaches and refs. If I’m the owner, I’m standing up for the guy on my team, not some drunken a-hole who thinks paying $400 for a ticket is permission to be obnoxious.

    I don't believe that anyone here has defended the fan. Fan is not the game though, it is those that are employed by the league including Westbrook. Any no name now can layout a couple hundred bucks for a ticket and try to set him off. Should Russ ever take a swing, the guy in the stands has cashed in a lottery ticket.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    There was an incident last season where a fan who was sitting courtside tried to block Westbrook’s path to the locker room after the game. Westbrook shoved him out of the way, and he was completely justified in doing so.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 12, 2019 2:28PM

    @45isodd said:
    There was an incident last season where a fan who was sitting courtside tried to block Westbrook’s path to the locker room after the game. Westbrook shoved him out of the way, and he was completely justified in doing so.

    Smart men allow security to do their work. Westbrook does not seem all that bright.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    No need to copy the previous post, it’s obvious to anyone reading it what you’re responding to.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @45isodd said:
    No need to copy the previous post, it’s obvious to anyone reading it what you’re responding to.

    The impact on the environment is minimal.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭
    edited March 12, 2019 4:56PM

    The Jazz did the right thing by banning the fan permanently, and the NBA fined Westbrook $25k for his part in the altercation.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Agree with bouncing the "fan". $25k vs a $40,000,000 paycheck is pocket change. League will continue to have problems with Westbrook.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭
    edited March 12, 2019 10:57PM

    The message the league sent with the paltry fine is that a player has the right to defend himself against a fan who crosses the line into hate speech. That’s a warning to a fan who thinks he/she has carte blanche to act inappropriately. The NBA is light years ahead of the NFL, MLB and the NHL in treating its members as humans rather than chattel.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So it was appropriate for the player to threaten to physically harm the lady that was not involved in the verbal exchange? Is that the signal Adam wants to send?

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    Spare me your fake outrage. That woman wasn’t the innocent lass you’re attempting to portray her as. She was as much a part of it as the creep she was with.

  • SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,288 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just curious, what was it about what the fan said to Westbrook (something along the lines of "Get on your knees") that is considered offensive, racist or hate speech?

    Is it a reference to football players kneeling during the national anthem? Or something else?

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @SanctionII said:
    Just curious, what was it about what the fan said to Westbrook (something along the lines of "Get on your knees") that is considered offensive, racist or hate speech?

    Is it a reference to football players kneeling during the national anthem? Or something else?

    Who the hell knows. Fart after eating a bratwurst and someone is offended. Problem is peculiar to the NBA as seating is particularly close to the floor. That and most of the stars have a height related complex (though Westbrook is of modest NBA stature).

    Money men of the league figure that the high priced access seats will filter out the dreck and that is probably true to a degree. When your star is a loose cannon though, one dolt will get him lit.

    Maybe they need to create a 50 foot barrier when OKC is in town or better yet, ring the floor with mounted police security with particularly sinister looking horses.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    Yes, that would be much easier than asking fans to behave themselves.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bingo, 45. You got it.

    Insults get out of hand (the NBA can define that), rattled player taps assistant coach on the shoulder and asst notifies security. Security either warns or removes belligerent customer. Warning fails and customer is gone. Either way the problem is solved without the player looking like a moron.

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    Here’s a tweet from that loser’s twitter account dated 10/6/18. It has since been deleted.

  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭

    I am huge Westbrook fan and wish he had just smiled at the guy and moved on but Westbrook is an extremely intense and emotional competitor. It helps him play at the level he plays at and, unfortunately, he doesn't turn it off. It's too bad.

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,286 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 13, 2019 7:56PM

    conduct a search and you'll quickly understand why there was such a disparity in the punishments that were meted out.
    believe you me, the tweet posted above is innocuous compared to others i encountered.

    i personally saw the N word countless times, he made mention of never having met a black Jazz fan and hoped it stayed that way, and he even went so far as to post a picture of an impoverished African nation and said, "looks like a real sh*thole to me!"

    deplorable, despicable stuff all over the place for the world to see

    the only regret i have is not being there so i could've held this guy while Russell Westbrook used his face to bruise his hand. ironically, it's the last bastion of hope for a waste of flesh like him.

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • 45isodd45isodd Posts: 206 ✭✭✭

    That guy works as a car salesman for Toyota. How long will it be before his bosses decide that they don’t want a racist selling their cars?

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    As with Westbrook, performance goes a long way.

  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,217 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 14, 2019 2:40AM

    @45isodd said:
    That guy works as a car salesman for Toyota. How long will it be before his bosses decide that they don’t want a racist selling their cars?

    That tweet reminds me of the time some idiot fan called Carl Crawford a “Monday” I remember being absolutely bewildered on why it was racist but apparently it is, Crawford made a big deal about it and I think the guy lost his job over it. I got no problem with fans heckling but if they want to be ignorant enough to throw racist comments at these players then they should be permanently blacklisted from going to sporting events. Here is the link. http://www.espn.com/boston/mlb/story/_/id/8202374/cop-fired-slurring-carl-crawford-boston-red-sox

  • SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,288 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Westbrook has not played well at all in the first half of today's game against GS.

  • SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,288 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Westbrook had one of his worst games this season tonight. For some reason he settled mostly for jump shot and did not attack with his usual drives to the basket. 2 of 16 shooting and 0 for 7 from three point range.

  • CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So he gets suspended for a techically too many but not threatening a lady.

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