Ever hear of Intaglio mint??

I stumbled upon them on instagram today. Looks like they have some really neat silver and gold pieces... I may have to pick a few up! Watch the videos to get the high relief effect.
They are very nice.
They mostly operate below the radar....
I like the Washington medal!
I like the Washington best and looks like Liberty was in her teen
Hmm, I'm trying to buy a few tonight and it keeps telling me I have to select a shipping option, but it won't let me. I guess I'll call them tomorrow.
I’ve purchased several pieces from them, they rock!
I was so sad to find them to late as I missed buying the panpac round in gold
But if/when they come with the panpac octagonal........I’ll be all over that one!
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Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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Here are Limited Mintage's photos of the gold version. The site says "Out of Stock", not "Sold Out", so could there be more later?
Just got off the phone with them. They said the reason I could not check out was because I was in one of the states that has already implemented the internet sales tax law, so they would not sell here. Umm, pretty sure all states will be implementing it soon, so do they plan to go out of business?? Very odd. I tried checking out shipping to a family member in another state that has not implemented the tax yet, and it worked.
The conundrum of a stupid government.
Raise taxes so no commerce takes place and ....no one....pays tax.
same here...I live in MD
Yeah, I saw that.....I was pissed at myself for not seeing that sooner. Otherwise I would have posted it right away
I'm hoping they do they octagon in gold as they are working on the silver now,
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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I don't understand why they won't sell to us. Just go ahead and charge the tax if you have to. More and more states are being added to the required tax, so their customer base will be getting smaller and smaller unless they figure out something.
I sent an email asking about the tax issue, and he said since they were a small company (4 employees) that they are temporarily not selling to states charging the tax, but they are looking for a solution. Good to hear
I left a message. One persons mail box was full. Stuck in checkout (that would be a good title to a movie about the disappearance of B&M stores and how on line check out can go wrong. Ever have to cancel an order cuz it was totally wrong? ) Say there is no method of shipping to me. No shipping for you (a Seinfeld reference )
I'll bet they are swamped with forum members trying to buy something. Lets see how long it takes to get a call back.
For all those who were enthused about this Minter but then were disappointed by their Sales Tax policy.
This could be good news for you.
Some of their 2 oz designs are now available at Provident.
Not all designs which is too bad. Only 7 of then right now. I was hoping to get the Pan-Pacific $50 tribute piece as a place holder for a coin I will never be able to get. Not one of the seven. I will write them and let them know there would be interest if they include this design if possible. If you want this one too, a note to Provident could make it happen.
I just received several of the silver rounds... wow! Very very impressive high relief on them.
Were you able to order from Intaglio or did you use Provident?
I just ordered a few just now. Nothing to much just a few to see how they are. Thank you for your post jwitten.
I ordered from intaglio. I had to ship to a relative in another state though. I actually ordered them awhile ago, but just got them today from my relative. I'm thinking about getting some of the gold, but that's a lot of cash to put into something that does not have a limited mintage.
I ordered the dime, Indian and St. Gaudens. I also wrote a note to please get the Pan-Pacific in inventory.
Are you referring to this one? PAN-PAC OCTAGONAL TRIBUTE – 2 TROY OUNCE – 39MM
Or the
They have two types page 6 under the 2 oz silver catalog in the menu. But maybe a different Pan Pacific. I bought one tonight.
You must be referring to the Intaglio site. I can't order there and it's not on Provident.
These are only on the Intaglio site

They have some nice products... the silver PanPac, round, is very well done... and the Molon Labe round is really attractive... Will do some business with these people. Cheers, RickO
Kudbegud yes that was the site I guess I got them crossed. But that is the one I was referring to. Thanks
In as much as "Limited Mintage" does not deal with MD customers because of State Sales Tax issues, I did my business with Provident for the Molon Labe. (who did not charge me any sales tax
I like the Thomas Jefferson. I like
I bought 20 of the 1804 2 oz. Went to go back for more and they are out. Best looking Bullion coin I have ever seen or owned.
Looks like they are available again,.,. I just picked up a few.
Lots of mints providing copies
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Which website or seller?
Good read. I never knew those were known as the “Bowed Liberty Dollar”.
Thanks, I figured it out right after I posted. I grabbed more of the 1804 2 oz as well as 20 of the octagonal Pan-Pac. It is like a kid in a candy store with this site. I am not usually a big fan of silver bullion, but all of a sudden I am thinking of draining my home equity line and just loading up!

Even though only bullion....Very cool

Very cool, indeed
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Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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My order just shipped!
Intaglio Mint is one of the few private mints that interest me. They produce silver rounds that perfectly replicate classic coin designs. In contrast, other private mints produce gimmicky, overpriced junk.
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I got mine in and for cheap silver 2 OZ bullion they are nice!
Pan Pacific Octagon 2 OZ (2)

1916 Mercury 2OZ (2)

Diameter with a Peace Dollar the Diameter is close

and THICK! Ohh my with the peace dollar side by side!

1804 Liberty 2 OZ

It is super nice, size of a silver dollar & thick. Scratches only on capsule. There are some artifacts towards the out rims, but everything is perfect.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
If you were looking for the Pan Pacific tribute 2 oz AG from Intaglio but couldn't order from them because of their Sales Tax policy, Or you just wanted one as a place holder for the gold octagon - GOOD NEWS !

These are now available from Provident.
Here is a link to it's page on Provident:
Is there a 39MM holder that these 2-oz rounds would fit in? With those dimensions they appear to be rather thick. It's too bad Intaglio doesn't do 2-oz and 3-oz versions in 50MM.
I bought a few 39mm holders, and the rounds were a bit loose. I tried these 38mm ones next, and they fit pretty well.
I just got an email one of them went wholesale only starting July 1st.
Limited Mintage / Intaglio Mint will become wholesale only.
Well that sucks. They just released a design I was wanting to get.
Intaglio Mint, Ltd. was established in 2010. We are a privately-held “boutique” mint. Our team of industry professionals have decades of cumulative experience. Our work is a labor of love. We manufacture coins, tokens and medallions commemorating events, places and historic remembrances. Our highly skilled artisans create works of art, leaving a beautiful, memorable keepsake that will last indefinitely. We take great pride in our work and utilize the highest quality materials and craftsmanship to perfect every design.
Mark Bogani – CEO and Founder
Mark Bogani, CEO and Founder of Intaglio Mint, embodies the entrepreneurial spirit. He has over 30 years of experience in the securities industry and 35 years of experience as a coin collector. Plus, he’s also founded four successful startups. His startups include Intaglio Mint, Colorado Coin, Precious Metal Refiners (PMR), and Transhare Corporation.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
I received the same email this morning. Good thing I bought everything I wanted from them.
Its a shame....imo as most that do this become run of the mill producers and creativity goes to the wayside.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Just got a few new pieces from them today. Man, they are giving the mint a run for their money in terms of design and quality!

Can you not buy directly from them anymore?
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Like that Buffalo piece!
They started letting you buy from them again! At least, I could in KY.
Hmmmm, got to check it out as I dont see a buy botton anywhere
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC