Why No Explanations?

Why when there are grades given, can PSA not give any explanations? You pay $75 wait longer than normal wait times and then get a grade way lower than expected. At least the low grade would be easier to swallow if they told you why.
Pretty much all grading companies. I use SGC. They don't give a grading report either.. I do know most of the members here can help if you post a scan.
I don’t use Beckett but I do like the concept of sub grades. It at least let’s you know where you took the hit.
Time costs money.
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if explanations were a part of the process, your grandchildren's grandchildren would pop before your cards did
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
When sending a graded card to Beckett for crossover, if it fails to pass, they give you a sticker with the score showing why it failed to pass...fyi
items are graded so quickly there is no time for specific explanations.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Agree to a point. At some point of value an explanation should be given, not for a grade, but if a card comes back "altered" with no explanation.