Mickey Mantle Auction - So Annoying

Looking to pick up the PSA 9 but seeing the card in another holder shows the card I want being trimmed. Looks like I'll pass until the next one shows up. Look at his hands around the bat on both cards and you see the difference. Wish PSA would buy this one and put it out of it's misery. So frustrating.
On the bottom right, why does one say "Made", the other says "Printed"?
Wow. Didn't even notice that. Wonder if it's a reprint . Hard to believe they would have printed 2 versions of one card with that being the only difference.
Don't know if it's been trimmed as there is a big difference on the right side too. Looks like one is o/c but not trimmed. They both fill out the holder too. Weren't these printed in different years? May explain the "printed" and "made".
I can’t stress enough how important it is that buyers research all the variables within a given card. You should be picking up on those details before even considering bidding. Why drop good money only to find out later there were two or more variations? Do you know which type sells for more?
I don’t want to throw you under the bus on this one but this is the type of lack in detail I see Mantle collectors diving in with. The prices for Mantle anything is off the charts these days and I can’t help but think a majority of these buyers are somewhat new to the vintage game.
CU Ancient Members badge member.
Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums
Look at the right side with the bat and shoulder and the background exposed on the top card and hardly any background on the bottom card. His patch on his uniform is also much closer to the edge on the bottom card and further away on the top card. Bottom card just looks shorter on both sides bit still fills the holder.
I did catch the red flag for me and will just pass but with third party grading you would think the work has been done already on the authenticating part. I will buy the card and not the holder in this instance but would love to see what people have to say about the differences between the two.
Did you bother looking up other examples of this card online?
There are obviously two versions. Due diligence my friend.....
CU Ancient Members badge member.
Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums
Looks like there are. I just saw this one and noticed the waviness on the left side. I own one with straight sides but this one just doesn't look right. Not trying to bash cards in this thread but I hate seeing some of these with the waviness that this card has. All the ones I have seen in person look straight on the sides. Is this a normal cut for these? I own only one but the left side just doesn't look right. Just doing homework before buying.

Here are some notes on the differences between "Made" and "Printed"
Great read. Thanks
Here's a variation to the Mantle card - "ck" in Mickey "not" connected.
I know nothing about exhibit cards.
I do have a book - Exhibit and Related Sports Arcade Cards by Adam Warshaw.
With the salutations cards, the designation could say "MADE IN USA" or "Made in USA" or "Printed in USA" - all dependent on how long the card of that player ran.
Also, this one was taken off a display one I have that was in an Exhibit vending machine - it has "made in USA" - hard to see in the quick pic I took.
100% agree.