Deleting a Set

I was trying to just see a checklist and accidentally started a set that I don’t want... is there a way to delete it?
I was trying to just see a checklist and accidentally started a set that I don’t want... is there a way to delete it?
Thanks for asking this, this happened to me last week although the set I started isn’t published. I just want to put it back on the list of “sets to start” down the road....
If you do not want to Retire the set, as is the case for one created accidentally, on the website you would edit the set, click the "Remove All" button in the "Items in Set Checklist" area. The set will now be empty. Then you may return to the "Sets" page and should see a trash can icon which will allow you to 'Delete Empty Set' when clicked.
Let me know if this doesn't work for you or if you have further questions. We have recently been discussing way to improve this process.
T. Whitmeyer
Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe
Thank you!! That worked. Yeah, seems like that process should be a lot easier; regardless, it’s done and I’m appreciative! It’s been driving me crazy.