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Critique my coin photography

I've been experimenting with coin photography for a couple weeks. @rmpsrpms set me up with an awesome microscope stand and has given me some great advice. Here is what I've been able to come up with so far. I'm shooting through slabs for most of these. I use a sony a6000 mirrorless with pentax bellows system and a nikkor 75mm enlarging lens, jansjo LED lights for lighting, and photoshop and illustrator for post processing. Let me know what you guys think.

One thing I've noticed that makes a good coin photo is the direction of lighting and where the light is hitting specifically. Since most coins have portraits, which tends to be the focal point of the design, I try to illuminate it in the best way possible, which is usually from the front of the face. I'm also trying to capture color and toning as accurately as possible. This has been quite a challenge and the best results have came from lighting directly over the coin from 3-4 different light sources. I've also learned not to rely on auto white balance as its always inaccurate, so I adjust that accordingly to the lights. I also use a bit of dodging and burning in photoshop which helps adjust areas of the coins that aren't exposed correctly. The photos are then taken into Illustrator where I crop them out and put them on black backgrounds.


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