$300 to Reholder a Gold Shield Coin?
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in Q & A Forum
According to the price list it costs $300 to reholder a gold shield coin. Additionally, this verbiage is found on the price list:
Coins requiring Gold Shield: I: Non-U.S. coins submitted under any service level other than Modern. 2. Reholders valued above $3,000.
Does that mean that to reholder any world coin prior to 1965 (the cut-off for “Modern” coins) it will cost $300?
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@jackrabb1t Welcome to the forum!
The reholder price is $12 (coins valued up to $3000) and $17 (coins valued up to $100,000).
Here is the 2 Jan 19, Services and Fees list: https://www.pcgs.com/Content/pdf/PCGSCollectorListofServicesFees2019.pdf
Here is the PCGS contact info:
You can reach the PCGS customer service department Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time.
In the United States call toll free at 800-447-8848. Outside the United States call 949-833-0600.
That doesn’t clear anything up. Does anybody else have some thoughts before I contact customer service?
No. It does not cost $300 to reholder a coin, even gold shield.
The prices of $12 and 17 should be accurate. Check with customer service of you have something extremely valuable.
So how is one meant to interpret this:
I think I did finally figure it out. That chart should be re-made so it reads as follows:
Reholder (Regular or Gold Shield, Value <= $3,000): $12
Reholder (Value <= $100,000): $17
Reholder (Value > $100,000): $300
A very confusing chart. Looks like $300 to me also.
That makes sense @jackrabb1t. PCGS should clarify this, @PCGSCSManager.
Edit to add: Read the back of a recent submission form and that is even more confusing.
@jackrabb1t and @Hemispherical
U.S. coins and World Modern (1965 to date) coins valued up to $3,000 = $12/coin for Reholder, Gold Shield can but is not required to be added for an additional $5/coin
World non-Modern and/or any coin valued from $3,001 to $100,000 = $17/coin, $12 Reholder + $5 Gold Shield (Gold Shield is required)
Any coin valued at $100,001 or higher = $300/coin, includes Gold Shield
PCGS Set Registry Manager
Thanks @PCGSCSManager!
Thanks @PCGSCSManager!