Washington quarter counter punch and surface lines?
Anyone recognize the name punched in the Bicentennial quarter? The 1995 has some type of planchet flaw. Anyone recognize the type of lines on the obverse?
Positive BST transactions: agentjim007, cohodk, CharlieC, Chrischampeon, DRG, 3 x delistamps, djdilliodon, gmherps13, jmski52, Meltdown, Mesquite, 2 x nibanny, themaster, 2 x segoja, Timbuk3, ve3rules, jom, Blackhawk, hchcoin, Relaxn, pitboss, blu62vette, Jfoot13, Jinx86, jfoot13,Ronb
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
The R. THIES counterstamp is known but the issuer is still a mystery. Coincidentally I just picked one up on ebay.
Did you find that one in circulation? They are known on quarters from about the mid 1970s into the mid 1980s or so.
I found it in circulation about 20 years ago, I was just going thru some stuff I had packed away for some years.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
I have a1983 R.thies like to know more about it
Not much is known. No identification of issuer. All known examples seem to be from mid-70s through mid-80s. Some are counterstamped on both sides, most on only one.
Mine has it on both sides
Google search finds loads
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Keep in mind that the R. Thies site has spoof information on the coins.
That person/artist did NOT produce these coins.
A couple of my communications (letter to him, posts on Coin Talk) with names/user names altered, are shown on his site.
Several years ago I also did a search of the phone book in the Las Vegas area, where these coins reportedly originated from, and found two people with first initial R and last name Thies. I wrote to both of them to ask if they were involved but never heard back.
Thx for the updated links. He now has a little booklet that covers the tongue-in-cheek story.
I ordered a few last month. The booklet contains a letter that I sent to him several years ago asking if he had any connection to them.
Nice counter stamped coin. Your 95 is probably roller lines. Not really an error but from dirt/grease on the rollers when the coin stock is being rolled before the blanks are punched.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I was thinking roller marks, too
I have received two pieces from him in the mail.
No one knows who he/she is.
BHNC #203
Are you thinking of the "Quarter Master"? That's another topic
Yes, the Quartermaster.
However, the "R. THIES" is supposed to be one of his.
Or so I thought
BHNC #203