Regular sub on business day 34 (51 regular days), no response from PCGS?

PCGS started processing the 8 coin order on 12/3/2018...I know the holidays are disruptive but wow its taking a long time. Plus PCGS has not answered any of my emails....a simple: "Your order is taking longer because of XYZ" would be fine...but instead no response at all may want to fix this:
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Hi @Senator32
Our apologies! We've received a very large number of emails and are working to respond to each customer as quickly as possible!
I was not able to locate an account or an order in our system based on your email address, do you mind emailing me directly at with the submission number for the order in question so that I can review it for you?
In regards to the turnaround times posted online, the numbers shown online are updated every week and are the average for each service level based on the week prior. So for example, the turnaround times listed now for World Regular are based on all World Regular orders finalized last week, averaging the turnaround times for that specific service.
PCGS Set Registry Manager
Thanks @PCGSCSManager - I appreciate it. I'll email you now.