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Give away contest guess number of upgrades made at FUN. CONTEST COMPLTETED

washingtonrainbowswashingtonrainbows Posts: 463 ✭✭✭
edited January 22, 2019 9:10PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Obviously by my ID here as Washingtonrainbows I collect Washington quarters. Been collecting them 20 years. At FUN show I submitted 23 Washington qtrs for regrade. All coins were MS67 or 67+ except the 32-d which was a ms65. Of the 23 coins how many upgraded, if any? I was looking for upgrades that made the submission fee of $90 worth it. Closest guess wins. Will give up to 2 coins. With more than 2 correct guesses will do a lottery to pick the winners. All coins were PCGS and were submitted to PCGS.

Prizes 1951-p ms 67 Washington qtr
1954-p ms67 Washington qtr

1 chance or guess. Will close contest Sunday after the second NFL playoff game is finished.



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