Question about plate blocks

in Stamps Forum
I don't do stamps. I came by a book of plate blocks. Almost $40.00 face, ranging from 6¢ to 18¢.
Is there interest in such a thing or, as I planned, lick 'em and send 'em?
Thanks for any reply.
There may be a stray issue here or there worth a slight premium, but for the most apt, they are discount postage.
You can try to sell them on ebay as plate blocks to collectors, but the same stamps are also sold as discount postage.
Postage. Remember that you can stick them partially on top of each other as long as the denomination is visible. This allows you to get lots of low denomination stamps on an envelope.
Thank you for the reply.
I go ahead with lick 'em and stick 'em.
The plate block market started to decline when the self-stick stamps were introduced about 20 years ago. There are still a few specialist collectors who want specific plate block numbers but it may not be worth the effort to try and sort the better ones out (if there are any) Most are probably just postage and, if offered to a dealer as a lot would bring well below face value.