Now This Is Authentication! Ebay Auto Sellers Heed!

Now that'z a real autograph
i can honestly say this guy knowes what he's doing. He has a picture of the player signing the exact item! not like some people who have picz of the players signing one thing then have 40 diff items signed by them. And he even stresses his are real. I seen a tmac that said Golden Sports COA! lol kenny golden maybe? i passed....
but that is truly TMacs sig and he truly has done great in authentication. Ebay sellers need 2 learn from this dude....
Jus stating my opinion!
hehe holla!
i can honestly say this guy knowes what he's doing. He has a picture of the player signing the exact item! not like some people who have picz of the players signing one thing then have 40 diff items signed by them. And he even stresses his are real. I seen a tmac that said Golden Sports COA! lol kenny golden maybe? i passed....
but that is truly TMacs sig and he truly has done great in authentication. Ebay sellers need 2 learn from this dude....
Jus stating my opinion!
hehe holla!