Definitely CS-1's. I bought multiple boxes of CS-2's a few years ago, and immediately regretted it, as it is too difficult to get cards in and out of them; and forget trying to put 1952-56 Topps-sized cards in CS-2's.....they're too small.
I've found that even with tobacco cards (T206 sized), CS-2's are too small to get cards in and out of easily. The card can go in too far, and you can't get your finger in to pull the card out, without bending the card and possibly damaging it in the process. You'd need something like a pair of stamp tongs/tweezers to get the card out.
I ended up throwing all my CS-2's away, as to me, they are useless.
@ReggieCleveland said:
Better question: is there actually a reason to ever buy 2s?
They are a nice fit for 1975 Topps minis.
I'm sure they are a nice fit for many issues. But why limit what you can put into a holder when you can just buy 1s and everything will fit into them?
Only thing I can think of is if you had a raw set that you wanted to store in CS and you had to save the inch in storage space for some reason. Even still though, if I were putting a '75 Mini set in CSs I'd still opt for 1s just to have that extra space for safety on insertion/removal.
Card Saver I is what youre "supposed" to sub to PSA in. its slightly wider than a Card Saver II, easier to get cards in and out of.
it's a crush for 1
Definitely CS-1's. I bought multiple boxes of CS-2's a few years ago, and immediately regretted it, as it is too difficult to get cards in and out of them; and forget trying to put 1952-56 Topps-sized cards in CS-2's.....they're too small.
I've found that even with tobacco cards (T206 sized), CS-2's are too small to get cards in and out of easily. The card can go in too far, and you can't get your finger in to pull the card out, without bending the card and possibly damaging it in the process. You'd need something like a pair of stamp tongs/tweezers to get the card out.
I ended up throwing all my CS-2's away, as to me, they are useless.
Card Saver 1 all day. When I get a card through the mail in a card saver 2 I immediately remove it and place it in a card saver 1.
The Doomsday Collection
Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor | All-Time Dallas Cowboys | Bob Lilly Master | Pro Football HOF Dallas Cowboys
If you care about the condition of your cards, use the 1s... If you don't, save a couple bucks with the 2s.
Better question: is there actually a reason to ever buy 2s?
CS2 = new coke. I don’t know why they ever made it when what they had first was great
I have never personally had a use for CS2. Good grief, I can barely get cards in and out of CS 1's
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
They are a nice fit for 1975 Topps minis.
I'm sure they are a nice fit for many issues. But why limit what you can put into a holder when you can just buy 1s and everything will fit into them?
Only thing I can think of is if you had a raw set that you wanted to store in CS and you had to save the inch in storage space for some reason. Even still though, if I were putting a '75 Mini set in CSs I'd still opt for 1s just to have that extra space for safety on insertion/removal.